First of all, Battle of the Blades - Season 2 was starting on CBC!

The figure skaters and hockey players had all been announced, but only as individuals, not as pairs, so I was looking forward to finding out who would skate with who. Last nights episode was more of a behind the scenes, and the teams weren't announced until the very end. So, we didn't get to see the actual pairs skate together, but I'm excited about a few of the match ups.
- Ekaterina "Katia" Gordeeva and Valeri Bure seem to be well matched, and I love Ekaterina.
- Theo Fleury and Jamie Salé have a good chance; Theo is intense, and he's going to work hard for the win, and Jamie won last season, so she'll be looking for a repeat.
- Georges Laraque and Anabelle Langlois were a surprising match up, he's huge and could easily lift any of the girls, and yet they give him the smallest girl...I think it will make for some amazing lifts. I like that Georges is a Christian, and very open about it, and Anabelle is such a cutey.
- Violetta Afanasieva and P.J. Stock are a surprise favourite, I didn't even recognize Violetta's name, I don't know a thing about her or her skating, but I decided last night that P.J. Stock is going to bring a lot to the show...he has a great sense of humour!
- And then there is Shae-Lynn Bourne and Patrice Brisebois, I love Shae-Lynn and thought she should have won last hopefully she will be just as enjoyable to watch with her new partner.
And then over on CBS, a new season of The Amazing Race was starting.

Without a doubt, this is my favourite show, so I couldn't miss it. The last few seasons of this show, we've kind of had an open door policy at our house, and invited friends over to watch with us. We've had 8 or 10 people here watching, which is always extra fun. Last night only Kevin and Susannah (and Stella) were able to join us though. It's early, but as of right now I'm liking the doctors, Nat & Kat; it seems like they'll pay attention to detail, and given their profession, they should be able to stay calm in stressful situations. Jill & Thomas seem like the strongest couple, they didn't have a lot of drama surrounding them last night...but again, it's early. And then there is Nick & Vicki, wow, they were brutal last night. I'm sure if they were at home watching the episode, they would have been totally embarrassed! And, I can't post about the show and not mention the watermelon in the face! OUCH! That girl was incredible for finishing the challenge...even if she did say 'I can't feel my face' one too many times!
In case you missed it...
And the last show I wanted to watch, Undercover Boss. Not as important as the other ones I've talked about, but still a good one. I focused on Battle of the Blades and The Amazing Race, and switched to Undercover Boss during commercials, seemed to work well.
So, you've probably noticed that I haven't posted in awhile, and then when I do, it's all about reality TV. Things are obviously pretty boring around here right now! Oh well, sometimes boring is OK.