I haven't blogged in a long time...other than Thanksgiving, October hasn't been very blog worthy.
Work has been going pretty well, and last Friday (Oct. 28th) marked one year since I started with the Ministry of Community & Social Services! It's pretty crazy that I've been there this long - this job was tough at first, and during my first two contracts, I kept a countdown so I knew exactly how many more days I had to work there before it was all over. Thankfully, even though there are still plenty of rough days, I no longer have to keep a countdown, and am enjoying the job, for the most part. The position that I've been doing for the past year, Program Support Clerk, was finally posted a few weeks ago...so, I have applied for a permanent position. Unfortunately, 542 other people applied too! Ha! Isn't that crazy!?! I can only hope that my experience, and the fact that I currently work there, gets me through the screening stage :)
Curling started three weeks ago, but we've only played twice - we had a bye in the second week. We got smoked the first week, we didn't really give the other team any competition at all :) But, last week, we played like a totally different team - a team that was experienced, and had played together before - not sure where that came from?!?! And, we pulled out a win, which was pretty exciting. Just before we started, Maria asked if we thought we would ever win - I don't think any of us were expecting a win this early in the season.
Skating is in full swing, and it's definitely keeping me busy! Skate Canada has made a lot of changes this year, so choreographing solos has been challenging this year...I just have a few finishing touches and they'll all be done, so that's a huge relief. I have two skaters going to a competition at the end of the month, so it will be just in time.
I would have normally had skating tonight, but it was cancelled for Halloween - I was glad to be able to stay home and give out candy with Curt (we had close to 70 kids!). Our nephews came by and were super cute - Josh was Superman, Noah was a Storm Trooper, Isaac was a Cowboy, Luke was a Knight and Owen was a Pumpkin! I took a picture, but the lighting was horrible. We made up special goodie bags for them, so Curt sent his brother a text message to make sure they came by our place...Dave responded by saying 'we'll be there, we're just getting them ready...there are too many of them, we're outnumbered'. Ha! You think?!?! You have FIVE boys!!!
So, if you're still reading this, thanks for sticking with me. As you can tell, the last few weeks have been pretty boring! Our countdown to California has begun, and it's helping me get past the boredom - we leave on December 3rd, only 33 days from today!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
21 hours ago