On Saturday afternoon we went to a Boat & RV Show that was being held in town - Nolan seemed to enjoy sitting on the various golf carts and four wheelers at the show - and then went out for dinner.

Sunday was a pretty relaxed day around the house...we did take some time in the afternoon to visit Reid's Dairy for some icecream, this has become a regular stop when they're in town.
Nolan enjoying his chocolate icecream. This is the face I got when I asked him to smile for me!?!
Tom and Krystle enjoying their icecream!
One of our other Sunday afternoon activities was something that Curt had planned for Nolan. We bought a large blank canvas, and some paint from the dollar store, and the boys went to work.
The budding artist (staying paint free in a giant old shirt of Curt's).
I had a little surprise for Nolan when it came to bath time.
Here he is enjoying his green bath water! I don't know if he was as impressed as I was?!?!
I bought a Crayola product, it's small pellets that you drop in the water to have it turn colour. I saw it on a blog I read regularly, and immediately wanted to get them for Nolan's visit...I looked at multiple stores, and had no luck finding them, I had given up and then found them in a random store the Friday before he arrived.
While they were visiting, we also had a four-legged visitor...we had Curt's brothers dog for the weekend. I was a little nervous about it, but it went well - the dog is used to having children around, and Nolan was pretty comfortable with her. One of the most amusing stories from the weekend relates to the dog - the dogs name is 'Bella', she's a girl dog, and she's a small dog...so, imagine our amusement when Nolan called out to the dog, saying 'Come on big Fella'! He called the dog 'Fella' all weekend...I think it was because he knew it made us laugh!
So, although we didn't really do anything too special, it was a great weekend! I just hope that our guests enjoyed it as much as Curt and I!
And, one more picture, just because it's so cute I can't help but share...
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