We left for Presqu'ile Provincial Park, in Brighton, on Thursday and camped until Sunday. Now, Curt was there the whole time, but I had to come home Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon to work. So, I did get to spend a night at home, and got to enjoy all the conveniences that brings with it, most importantly...a shower!
This camping trip was a birthday party of sorts, my sister-in-law, Sarah, reserved a group site and surprised Curt's brother, Dave, for his 30th birthday. He thought it was just a regular family camping weekend, but when they got there, Sarah directed him to the group camping sites! There were 16 adults and 18 kids on the site throughout the weekend, so it was busy!
The weather was perfect for camping, warm during the day and not too cool at night. The beach at Presqu'ile isn't as nice as Sandbanks, but it was OK, and we were able to enjoy some time there. Curt borrowed a kite board from his friend, and enjoyed trying that with a few of the other guys, throughout the weekend. We managed a game of ladies only volleyball, which was fun because we were all kinda bad! And, of course there were nightly campfires...complete with s'mores and games of charades.
Between a dead battery and forgetting to pull the camera out of the trailer, we didn't get very many pictures. Here are a few of the better ones...
Our nephew Isaac, enjoying his s'more.
Curt roasting a marshmallow for his s'more...or maybe it was my s'more, since he made mine too!
Our nephew Noah, roasting marshmallows. Obviously not his first, since he already has marshmallow on his face :)
Our nephew Luke, the youngest, inspecting his s'more.
And, we get to do this all again next weekend for Wielemaker camping. The Wielemaker's are the extended family on Curt's moms side of the family...they get together every year for a weekend of camping...this year it is at a park near Kingston. We'll be praying for the weather from this past weekend to repeat itself next weekend!
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