Anyway, back on topic...
This past weekend we were in Acton for Abby's baptism, and as always, it was a great weekend at 'home' (yes, although I've had my own home for five years, I still refer to Acton as 'home').
The baptism was on Saturday and was done during a private little service; there were about 30 of Tom and Krystle's family and close friends there.
Everyone who attended the service.
Abby was beautiful in her baptismal gown - the same one that Krystle wore for her baptism. It was amazing to see how much the two of them look alike when looking at Abby in her gown and at pictures of Krystle from her special day.
Abby and I, ready to head to the church.
Nolan was also looking pretty special for the big day - he got to wear his kilt, which is always a hit. The kilt, which is the Robertson tartan, is actually the same one my brother wore at Nolan's age, and the similarities between father and son at that age are also quite amazing!
Nolan, wearing his kilt and checking out his sporran.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, Tom and Krystle asked me to be Abby's Godmother, so that made the day extra special for me, too.
Jeff (Krystle's brother and Abby's Godfather), Krystle, Tom, me, Abby and Father Bob.
A special picture of the multiple generations at the baptism. Nana, sitting in the chair, holding Abby. My mom, me and Krystle standing behind.
Following the service, Tom and Krystle had a BBQ for everyone back at their place, so we had lots of time to visit with family.
On Sunday morning, Tom and I took Nolan to his swimming lessons. That kid loves his lessons - as we pulled up to the pool, he was cheering 'yes, yes, yes' and pumping his little fists! So cute! Nolan was excited to show me all his tricks...putting his face in the water, blowing bubbles, jumping in off the side and his favourite, going down the slide!

Not the best picture, but this an action shot of Nolan going down the slide. Those are Tom's arms reaching out to catch him :)
Sunday afternoon, during Nolan and Abby's nap, Curt and I snuck away and picked up my mom for a quick little shopping trip. We just went to the mall in Guelph, but it was nice to spend some time with my mom like that. Mom and I are both a little, or A LOT, distracted by Nolan when he is around :)
After a great roast chicken dinner at my parents on Sunday evening (my mom is an awesome cook, and always makes at least one special meal for us when we're in town - Curt and I love it!), it was back to Belleville for Curt and I.
I didn't really know how to fit this in the post, so I'm going to throw in a random paragraph here. Favourite moment outside of the baptism, Saturday night we're sitting down to dinner and Nolan reminds us that we have to say grace. Krystle says a standard grace and then we go around the table saying something we're thankful, the adults thank God for family, getting to spend time together, etc. And what does Nolan thank God for? Hydro trucks!!! He just loves trucks...all kinds of trucks...tractors and construction equipment, too. Once we stopped laughing, I told my mom that I figure those are God's favourite prayers :)
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