We started with a short wagon ride out to a corn maze. There were two mazes to choose from - a large 'adult' maze that was supposed to take an hour, and a short 'kids' maze that was supposed to take thirty minutes. Obviously, we went with the 'kids' maze...and it's a good thing, because that one ended up taking us forty-five minutes! There were 'clues' throughout the maze, and we were looking for five letters to spell a word at the end. Nolan seemed to enjoy it, and quickly caught on to searching for the 'treasure' as he called it.
Nolan, pointing out one of the clue stations.
Whenever we came to a fork in the path, Nolan got to pick the path we would take next.
Nolan and I, hiding in the corn, ready to jump out and scare the rest of the group. The second time we did this, I think Nolan legitimately startled Curt when he jumped out and yelled 'boo'.
The 'Mr. Mom' photo...Curt with Nolan, and Tom with Abby.
Awwww, I LOVE this picture. Two of my favourite guys, both looking really cute!
CUTE, no other words needed.
Getting ready to head home. Nolan with the pumpkins he selected, and Abby catching a little nap.
Sorry for the picture overload! Tom and Krystle forgot their camera, so I had to be sure to get lots for them...and then I just had to share them with you!
We also spent Sunday night and Monday in Acton; Monday was really low key, we didn't even get out of our pajamas until almost noon. We had dinner at my parents, and just before dinner, Nolan and I went outside to play in the leaves. And, of course I have some pictures of that, too...
One side of Nolan, sweet and innocent.
And Nolan's other side, mischievous! He is just about to throw those leaves at my head, which he thought was hilarious!
Curt and I left for home right after dinner on Monday; we were expecting the traffic to be pretty bad, but were pleasantly surprised and made it home in good time.
So, it was a great weekend...and having had Monday off, this week is going extra fast!
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