Now, onto Day 2 of the Robertson's visit.
Sunday was pretty low key - we went to the mall, and ended up being there all morning. I've never really enjoyed our local mall - it's small, and doesn't have any great stores - but, Tom and Krystle didn't seem to mind, and they managed to pick up stuff for the whole family.
We stayed in for dinner, and although I planned on making something, we decided on something much better - we had pizza delivered! The reason I mention this is because we've lived here for three years, and never knew we could get pizza delivered out here, could be dangerous information :)
Monday was actually 'Family Day' and we made the best of it this year, we all went bowling! It was Nolan's first time, and he had a blast. And, because he was having so much fun, it was fun for the rest of us.
Nolan's very first try - getting a little help from Dad, and a 'ramp'.
Celebrating his great shot!
Nolan getting into it - by the look on that face, he's hoping for a strike!
And, judging by that face, he may have gotten a strike?!? :)
Check out that score sheet - 'NR' up top is Nolan, and he broke 100! Pretty impressive considering there were no bumpers in the gutters, his only help was that 'ramp' thing...and he didn't even use that every time, he wanted to bowl like us. And, take another look, 'MV' was the big winner with a score of 146 - yup, that was me!
So, I think bowling was a big hit, and it was a fun way to spend the morning.
Unfortunately, that pretty much wrapped up our weekend. After lunch and naps, the Robertson's hit the road to get home in good time, and I went off to skating for the evening.
It was a great weekend - thanks to Tom and Krystle for making the trip! We really enjoyed having you, and can't wait until your next visit.
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