Friday, May 20th was the last day of my contract at work - I've been working for the Ontario Disability Support Program since November, I've had two separate contracts during that time - and it really seemed like I was leaving for good this time.
Now, for the first five or six months, I really didn't like the job. And, to be honest, I had a countdown going to my last day. But, surprisingly, things changed, and when I was down to the last six weeks or so, I realized I didn't mind the job so much anymore, and I didn't want it to end.
So, Friday, May 20th is not the happy day I'm referring to in my title.
Knowing that my contract ended on the 20th, Curt and I booked a trip from May 21st to May, we were off to Branson, Missouri (more on that soon).
I left not knowing if I would have a job to return to, but tried not to let that bother me. I think every co-worker told me that I would probably get called back for another contract, but the managers never said that, so I just couldn't be sure. I knew I could go back to work at the golf course if I needed to, but that certainly wasn't my first choice.
Anyway, fast forward a soon as Curt and I crossed the border, and arrived back in Ontario, I turned my phone back on and checked my messages. And, guess what?!? I had a message from my manager at ODSP, and she was asking me to come back to work on Monday, May 30th! A few months ago I would have dreaded that message, but at that point, I was really excited!
I actually ended up taking Monday off, just to get organized back at home after our trip, but went back to work today - and it was great to be back! I was excited to see all my co-workers, and they seemed pretty glad to see me, too!
Oh Happy Day!
Now, of course I'm on another contract, so, I've got my job back until September 30th (which is longer then I expected!), and we'll see what happens from there?!?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
22 hours ago