It was my turn to help in the church nursery, something I always dread on my way to church, but usually end up enjoying once I get there. This Sunday was a quiet one in the nursery - there were only 12 little ones! ha! I've been in there with 18 kids, now that was busy!
I've been helping in the toddlers nursery for a few years now, and one thing I'm enjoying this year is the fact that some of my friends kids are in there. My little nephew Luke was there on Sunday, so it was fun to hang out with him, too!
After church we went over to my in-laws for lunch - we were celebrating Mother's Day and my nephew Joshua's, ninth birthday!
I'm pretty sure my MIL was happy with the laptop bag we got for her. And I know for sure that Joshua (and his brothers) were thrilled with the electric guitar we got for him! Yup, we are that Aunt and Uncle :)
Our neighbour was having a garage sale on Saturday...he didn't seem to be selling a lot (maybe because he wasn't set up until 11am), and Curt and I felt sorry for him. Curt went over to see what he had, and spotted the guitar and little amplifier that came with it. It was in good shape, and a decent price, so he bought it.
Luckily, I don't think my brother and sister-in-law were too mad! Actually, I think Dave thought it was pretty cool, and Sarah just commented that it wouldn't be too bad because Joshua's room is in the basement, so he wouldn't disturb everyone while practicing.
And now, here are some pictures of the boys enjoying their dessert...
Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of baby Owen...he slept the whole time we were there, so it was easy to forget about it while the other boys were running around!
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