Our drive down went really well. We left on Friday night, spent the night in Acton, and then got up bright and early on Saturday morning to hit the road. Our trip down took us through Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois (briefly) and then into Missouri. The whole drive went really well; Curt and I took turns driving, and because we took the Jeep we had room to set up a little bed in the back, so when we weren't driving, we could get a good rest.
Here's Curt sleeping on the way down. As you can see, we put all the luggage and golf clubs on one side, and then we had a futon mattress doubled up on the other side, and that's where we slept. It was great!
I know people are going to think we're crazy when they see this - and, I agree, I was really against the idea at first, too. I know it's not safe, but now that we've lived to tell about it, no one can really say anything.
Arriving in Missouri - crossing the Mississippi River and seeing the Gateway Arch, all at the same time!
We stayed at Willow Ridge Lodge, a Marriott Vacation Club, and it was A-MAZING!
From the Main Lobby, looking down to the pool area.
From our building, looking down to the pool area.
We decided to take it easy on our first day in Branson - after breakfast and grocery shopping, we just hung around the pool for a few hours.
Curt and I enjoying the pool area! Or, Curt and I getting a sunburn. Ooops! And, OUCH!
And now for a funny story from our first morning...we got up around 8:30am but we weren't really in a rush to get anywhere or do anything, so we took our time getting showered and ready. Around 10:30am we went up to the main lobby to get some coffee; on our way, we noticed that the pool wasn't open, and thought that was weird because we were pretty sure that it was supposed to open at 10am...we figured we better double check that when we got to the lobby. As we continued walking, I realized our stupidity...we were in a different time zone, there was a one hour time difference, and we hadn't even realized! You'd think our first clue would have been the two clocks in our room...but no, I just commented that they were wrong and went about changing them the night before! Once we clued in, I couldn't believe that I had gotten up at 7:30am on my first day of vacation! I'd like to think that I'm pretty well traveled, but this little story kinda says the opposite, doesn't it?!?!
Just as I figured, this is getting long...so, I'm going to stop for now, and I'll try to think of a fun way to break up the posts about our trip.
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