This past weekend was our second family camp-out, and this time we were camping with the Vreugdenhil side of the family.
This is actually the first time we've gone to Vreugdenhil camping and stayed for the whole weekend. It's always held on the same weekend in July, and in this past, it's been a busy weekend for us, but not this year.
The weekend always starts with 'The Vreugdenhil Classic' - a golf tournament held at a nine hole course near the campground. Curt won the guys trophy last year, and I won the girls trophy a few years ago - this year we each wanted to bring the trophy home, and we took it pretty seriously :) We both had the afternoon off work, and once we were all packed up, we went to the driving range for some practice....and, then we got to the golf course early so we could practice chipping and putting on the putting green! Yeah, we were hard core.
I'm happy to say that the practice paid off and I brought the trophy home! I shot a 44, and I think the closest lady shot a I was pretty happy!
Curt played well too, and ended up coming in third amongst the guys. His brother, Mark, took home the trophy after shooting a 37 - so Curt couldn't be too upset.
Mark and I with our trophies!
Once we were done at the course, it was off to set up the trailer. And, funny story...we were one of the last 'families' to arrive, so most people were set up and sitting around camp when we pulled in. One of Curt's cousins was set up right near the entrance, and he was sitting around with his family and four or five other people, and he hollers out to us "Hey, Mickey Mouse called, he wants his trailer back!" Ha! People are always making fun of our trailer, including me, but that was a new one, and we were amused.
I don't have any pictures of the trailer from this past weekend, but here is one from a past camping trip.
We had a pretty low key weekend - there were close to 140 people camping, which was a little overwhelming at times, but also meant that no one noticed if I just went off to our trailer to read a book or something.
Even with all those people there, we probably spent the most time visiting with Curt's immediate family - his dad, his brother Mark and his wife, Jeanette (his mom had to work, and didn't come until late Saturday night).
The weather was great, aside from a little rain on Friday night, but that just gave me an excuse to go to bed early :) And any rain over night doesn't matter, because our little trailer does keep us dry. The rest of the weekend it was REALLY hot! So hot that I even went into the, and under! The campground is right on Lake Ontario, so the water is usually freezing...and I've never made it in past my knees.
Overall, it was another great weekend of camping - I think I've come a long way when it comes to camping, and honestly, I probably can't say that I "hate" it anymore. But, I will ALWAYS prefer a hotel/resort over camping!!! :)