I haven't blogged since the beginning of the month, ooops. I think I've said this before, but we've been really busy, and when we're not busy, it's too nice to be sitting inside behind a computer.
But, I do want to keep things up to date here, and one weekend in particular was a good one and it's worth blogging about.
Two weeks ago we went camping - it was the annual 'Wielemaker Camping'. That's my MIL's side of the family, so all of the aunts and uncles, and lots of cousins, come out and camp for the weekend.
I actually always enjoy this weekend, even though there is camping involved :) The Wielemaker's are a great family, and although it's a relatively big family, it's not so big that it's overwhelming.
Every year, the family responsible for organizing the weekend, also decides on an activity for everyone to compete in for the 'Wielemaker Cup' - it can be anything, past events have included a euchre tournament, Frisbee golf and horseshoes. This year, Curt's mom was the organizer, and Curt suggested that we play 'ladder golf'. After randomly pairing everyone together, we had 16 teams competing for the cup!
Some of the ladder ball action, we had three games going at a time - there were a lot of games to get through to find the winners.
I was paired with Curt's cousin, Tim, and Curt was paired his brother, Dave. Tim and I made it to the finals, and went head-to-head against my sister-in-law, Sarah, and Uncle Jack! Tim and I put up a good fight, but, unfortunately we didn't win.
My MIL also organized lots of games for the younger kids - a water balloon toss, bike races and a few different relay type races - and, there was a pinata!
One of the bike races - Josh had to race against some of the boy cousins and his two uncles.
The two youngest kids had their own bike race - they each had an uncle push them!
I have a really cute video that I'm still trying to post here...
Noah, pretty happy after his win!
The medal/trophy presentation. The back row is Uncle Jack and Sarah - the ladder ball champs! And in the front, the little kids and their medals - Luke, Josh, Oliver, Noah and Malachi (Isaac is missing, he was already asleep after his busy day!).
Overall it was a great weekend - the weather was perfect all weekend, which is important when you're camping - and we really enjoyed our time with that side of the family.
And, this weekend we get to do it all again, but this time we'll be with the Vreugdenhil side of the family.
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