I have a few pictures from Branson that didn't fit into my other posts, so I'm going to throw them all together here...so, this will be a little random.
If you read my post about our resort, Stormy Point Village, you know that we absolutely loved it and that the property was beautiful...
For example...
But, then there was this...
Each house had a window box full of flowers...FAKE flowers? They actually don't look as bad in this picture as they did in real life. And, these are the ones in front of our cottage, which was grey, so they're not as cheesy as the ones in front of the more colourful cottages - they were all colour coordinated. They made for great conversation though - every time we walked to or from the pool, we were constantly pointing out the different colours and trying to decide which ones looked the worst.
One morning, while at the pool, my dad and I decided to climb the lighthouse...the view was great...
Apparently, Curt and my dad have similar golf swings...or, a similar follow through anyway...

When playing Payne Stewart, Curt went off into the bush to look for a ball (one of mine, I think) and came out with 24 balls! I think my dad was jealous, he's usually the one finding golf balls in the woods - his eyes are trained for it!

I don't normally drink...except when I'm on vacation...with my parents?!? I drank more on this vacation then I have in my whole life - NO, I was not getting drunk everyday (I didn't get drunk at all), I was just enjoying a 'cottage orange juice' by the pool or a cooler when playing cards.
Here, my mom is getting a slushie version of cottage orange juice ready - perfect for a HOT, SUNNY morning sitting poolside.

When we were in Branson back in May, the area had seen a lot of rain and was experiencing some flooding. I don't think we realized how bad it was until we went back again and saw how things should have looked.
Branson Landing, May 2011

Branson Landing, August 2011

And finally, a shot of what our Jeep looked like once we were all packed up to leave. Luckily, we only had to drive like this to the Branson airport, once we dropped my parents off for their flight home, we could spread things out (and ensure that we could see in our rear view mirror!).

And there you have it, my final post about our trip to Branson! Hope it wasn't too boring.
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