I can't believe it, but, Nolan turns FOUR today and his parents had a party for him yesterday - so, it was off to Acton to celebrate!
I had to coach on Saturday, so we didn't get to leave until late afternoon. We arrived in Acton around 6:30pm and went to visit my parents - Tom and Krystle had their own plans and were out for the evening anyway. We had a nice visit with my parents, and even had time for a game of Canasta - which the girls won, of course!
On Sunday, Nolan woke up ready to go - he was sooo excited for his party! Tom and Krystle had a few things to do around the house to get ready, so Curt and I took Nolan to church with us - it gave Nolan something to do to get his mind off his party, and it got him out of his parents hair for awhile...I think it was a win-win!
Nolan seemed a little grumpy when he woke up from his nap - but, once the other kids arrived he perked right up, and the presents seemed to help too!
Look at all the gift bags...and you really only see half of them in this picture!
Here he is enjoying a quick look at one of his new dinosaur books. He is in LOVE with dinosaurs, and almost every gift had something to do with them.
My parents bought Nolan a new snowsuit...and, my mom had to get him a hat to go with it! I laughed when I saw this because I used to have one just like it, except it was pink. I probably had more then one actually, my mom loves these things, but I remember the pink one.
My mom made the birthday cake - and of course, it was a dinosaur.
And, although you're probably already in picture overload, I have to throw one in of Abby and I - she is in such a fun stage right now! This is a picture Curt took of the two of us playing on the couch while Nolan opened all his presents.
Something was really funny...too bad I can't remember what we were laughing at.
Unfortunately, we had to eat and run...as soon as we were done with our dessert we decided to hit the road. It felt a little rushed, but it was nice to get home at a decent time. So, although it was a little rushed, we were really glad that we could be there to celebrate with the Robertson's. It was also nice to see the rest of the family - especially the Watson's! And this is the perfect time for a shout out to my Uncle John, one of my few blog readers, I got this post up tonight just for him!
I'm very proud of you, Mary-Beth. This is very timely!