So, after our successful and exciting afternoon, we had some time to kill around the hotel. It involved watching TV, playing games and napping! We all thought Nolan would be too excited to fall asleep, but he did get in a short nap which we knew would be for everyone's benefit by the end of the night :)
Nolan getting his face painted before leaving for the game...
Emily, Tom and Nolan showing their Blackhawk spirit...
Arriving at the arena! You'll notice that Curt is wearing an Ottawa sweater...Curt being a Sens fan made this whole experience that much more fun :)
Nolan with one of the signs he and Tom made...had our seats been lower, this is the kind of poster that gets you on TV :)
During practice...both of them, in awe ;)
'Oh Canada'...let the game begin...
Ottawa got the first goal of the game, during the first period, and when Curt and I stood up to cheer, Nolan got a little in, he started to cry. I think we were all a little shocked because he has been to a lot of Guelph Storm hockey games, so he knows that 'his team' doesn't always win; but he told Tom that the reason he was crying was because he was mad at me because I was cheering for the wrong team! I felt so bad! I tried to stay neutral throughout the rest of the game.
There was a group of about six or seven people in front of us - one of the guys in that group was cheering for Ottawa, the rest were cheering for Chicago. When they noticed Nolan's tears they were all so nice to him, telling him that there was still lots of time for Chicago to score and trying to make him feel better. The two ladies sitting in the group were absolutely heart broken by his little tears, you could tell they just wanted to give him a big hug.
We got our tickets through my former boss, Russ, and he was there with three friends from the golf course. They had seats in the 100 level, and during the third period they let Nolan and I go down to check out their seats. It was a great view, and we almost got to see Ottawa score, but it went off the crossbar. I don't think Nolan really appreciated how much closer we were, and he eventually just wanted to go back to sit with his dad.
Chicago ended up winning, 3 to 1, so Nolan (and Tom) left happy!
And finally, a picture of Curt and I, just for proof that I was actually there...
There was one more hockey game during the weekend, but I'll have to do another post to cover that one.
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