A four day weekend, what a GREAT thing!
We usually spend Easter with my family in Acton, but because we just spent a week with my parents in Florida, and then saw my brother and his family on the way home, we decided to stay at home this year. And, although I would have loved to see the family again, it was nice to not have to do all that driving.
Friday, after church, we spent the day with all of Curt's family - getting together with them is something we don't do often enough, so it was great to see everyone, especially the nephews.
My mother-in-law turned the get-together into a bit of a work-bee; over a year ago, my father-in-law helped build a tree house, and apparently it's been bothering my him that it still isn't finished, so we got together at Dave and Sarah's house so the boys could finish it up.
There wasn't much to do before they could say it was DONE - some shingling, installing the soffit and fascia and some other little finishing details. So, with my father-in-law, two brother-in-laws, husband and four nephews working on it, it didn't take long to get it done! :)
I wasn't outside at first, so I missed pictures of the boys in their hardhats and tool belts, which was really cute! Joshua, the oldest, was out there helping the whole time (which was a few hours); the others didn't last that long, but they were in and out checking on things.
Curt and Mark doing some shingling. That tree between them is huge and the tree fort is actually built right around that tree, it's pretty neat! Curt is also pretty proud of the hand railing, which was his idea - they used small branches from around the property as the spindles.
Once the work was done, we had a great BBQ dinner and then called it a night - the boys were all pretty tired after being outside all day!
Saturday was a good day - other than vacations, this is the first Saturday in months that I haven't had to coach! I took full advantage: slept in, had a late breakfast (Curt made French toast!), did a little shopping (our purchases will get a post of it's own soon!), went out for a late lunch/early supper and then watched The Masters!
It was a great feeling going to bed on Saturday night knowing that we still had two more days before going back to the office.
We had a great start to the day on Sunday - we skyped with my niece and nephew! It was great to actually see each other in that way, I could see how excited the kids were about Easter and they got to show me all the eggs they found, and the ball they each got.
After the skype call we got ready and went to church; and I have to say, that after missing a lot of church over the winter due to busy schedules, it was great to attend two services this weekend - I didn't realize how much I was missing that worship time until we started singing in the Good Friday service!
The rest of Sunday ended up being a total write-off - I was glued to the TV to watch The Masters...which got a whole post on its own.
I had all these grand plans for Monday, lots of little things I was going to get done around the house - but I ended up waking up feeling under the weather (I have an annoying sinus cold), so I didn't get much done. It was nice to have that extra day off though!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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