Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Birthday Celebration

This past weekend, Curt and I went to Acton the CELEBRATE - Princess Abby turned two!

We left on Friday, but had to drive separately...Curt didn't come home on Sunday evening, he had a course to attend in Toronto, so he was there until Tuesday evening.  I, of course, had to be home for work Monday morning.

Things got off to an early start on Saturday morning - the boys went to Nolan's lacrosse game, and had to be there for pictures at 8am.  The girls got to leave a little later, we went to Abby's gymnastics class and had to be there at 9am.  For those of us with no kids, that's early for a Saturday morning!  But, it was totally worth it - Nolan got his first assist at lacrosse, and watching Abby 'do gymnastics' was hilarious!

At this point in her life, Abby's not too sure about gymnastics :).  Krystle mentioned that she seemed a little off that day, and is usually at least a little more interested.  The class lasts 45 minutes - it starts with a warm-up and stretching and then the group gets to use various gymnastics equipment (a small beam, parallel bars and a trampoline) the end, the kids get stamps on their feet and hands.

Here is Abby after about half an hour....sitting in the spot the kids go for their stamps :)
 and looking for her coach (she's probably thinking "get over here, give me my stamps, I'M OUTTA HERE!) 
Poor little thing was all tuckered out after her strenuous workout!  She really tried to stay awake on the drive home, but her eyelids were just TOO heavy!

Unfortunately, the short ride home was the only nap Abby took the whole day!  That made everyone a little nervous because that afternoon was her birthday party...but, she did really well and wasn't too grumpy.

It was a beautiful day, so we were able to be outside - Nolan and Abby were the only little ones, but it was still good for them to have lots of room to run around while the adults visited.

The birthday girl, all dressed up...sitting at a picnic table and playing with a truck of some sort :)
 And later, opening presents.....
Abby really liked her princess towel...the face my mom is making is the mirror image of Abby's face...
The birthday girl LOVED her cake...well, she LOVED the icing!
I didn't get a picture of Abby as she opened this gift, but I took one on Sunday - this is the Pinterest inspired gift that I made for her...and, that is chocolate on her face :)...
Abby was recently moved into a new room, her 'big girl room'...I thought this might be a nice addition.

And, one last picture...another birthday gift, a bikini that Abby was super excited to wear in the hot tub on Sunday afternoon!

We were so glad to be able to go to Acton to celebrate the little princess' 2nd birthday! 

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