Where did July go?!?! I can't believe we're already into
August...and the first week flew by...and, we have lots of plans this
month, so I know the rest of the month will disappear before I know it!
and I are both VERY busy at work right now - for me, it's because of
the time of year (summer/vacation time), so on any given day we're
usually short staffed - so, this past week, our 7th Anniversary came and
went and we didn't really have time to do anything special.
weekend was also busy for Curt and I, but, we made sure to take some
time to relax too. We spent a good amount of time getting things around
the house ready for our upcoming guests - my brother and his family are
coming for the weekend in two weeks, and my mom and aunt come the
following weekend!
Saturday, after spending the morning
cleaning and organizing upstairs, it was time to tackle stuff in the
basement. I haven't done a complete post on it yet, but a few weeks ago
I painted another room down there...we're using this room as a guest
bedroom. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here, I want to leave
things as a surprise for our guests...but, here is a little peek from
early on in the process.
purchased a new bed for this room, and Curt had set it up on Friday
night, so we made the bed and shifted things around until we settled on a
furniture arrangement. I pulled together a few 'decorations', but this
room is still a blank canvas, so I'll be working on that over the next
few weeks.
We had accumulated a lot of furniture in the
basement, and once we started shifting things in the bedroom, we just
kept going. So, we rearranged everything in the rec room and in doing
so, got a pretty good start at setting up Curt's office (another room we
repainted, but I never did a final post on...oops!).
the whole basement is feeling more like ours now...when I go down
there, I don't think of it as going to 'the apartment' anymore.
Hopefully our guests will agree when they see it and have to sleep down
there :)
Sunday was our more relaxing day - we both puttered around a little, and Curt did some work for Three Hills Engineering.
today, we spent most of the afternoon outside getting things out there
in order! Curt borrowed a tractor from his uncle, so he got some work
done with it - a neighbour had some leftover gravel he wanted to get rid
of, so Curt picked it up and used it to fill our 'pond' (which he
started to do last year, so it was really more of a puddle...and, it's
been such a dry summer, it was bone dry!).
I cut the
grass - this job went a lot faster than usual considering I really only
had to do a third of the yard, the rest of it is BROWN. And, I finally
got the gardens weeded, that was long overdue! Tell me, why is that
weeds are still thriving when the grass has been brown for weeks?!?!
I picked these from the vegetable garden a few days ago...
You can't really tell, but they are HUGE. I put them next to a bottle of Coke, hopefully it gives some perspective...
I think I waited a little too long to pick them...and, they've gone a
little yellow :( Which, according to Google, means they are overripe
and will taste bitter. Darn. Oh well, lesson learned; and, there are
still three or four other cucumbers on the vine, so I'll be sure to pick
them soon!
And, there are LOTS of tomatoes...they are
still green, so I'm hoping by the time our guests are here, there will
be plenty of red ones ready for picking!
I realize this
post has been random, and probably boring...thanks for sticking with me
until the end :) In keeping with that, here is a random picture to end
with, I just found it when I downloaded the above pictures onto the
This picture is from last weekend, when
Curt and I were staying with Tom & Krystle in Acton. On
Thursday morning we wanted to go in the hot tub before leaving for the
golf course...so, we took the kids in with us!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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