Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

Despite being an adult, and not having any children to 'celebrate' with, I have had a very fun Halloween!

The day didn't start out great - we had to curl late last night and we didn't get home until after midnight - so, getting up for work this morning was harder than usual.  But, when I got to work and started seeing co-workers in costume, the day got a lot brighter :) 

Last week, the office social committee sent out an email suggesting that people dress up in clothing from the decade they were born....that evolved to just dressing up from your favourite decade...and then some people just dressed up in whatever.  There were a lot of laughs as we saw what people came up with...and the whole office loved it when our two managers arrived in costume!

So, here are some of my co-workers...unfortunately they aren't looking at me with my camera phone, they're looking at a co-worker with his real camera...but, it's still worth sharing....
Back Row, L-R: Angela, Cathy J (my manager), Sara, Cathy S, Trish, Reeva, Jen
Front Row, L-R: Amanda, Gayle (manager) and Tara

Gayle, the manager in the front, rented that costume...she went all out!  She even had an extension clipped in her hair so she could have a pony tail!  Sara, in the back with the 'boom box' has a fanny pack on, don't miss it!  I laughed so hard when she pulled her iPhone out of it at break today :)

For those of you who know me, you're not surprised that I didn't dress up!  Although, I regretted it for a few minutes this morning...but the regret passed quickly!

And tonight, it's been fun handing out candy at home!  We've only had about 50 kids this year - that's only half as many as we had last year.  It was supposed to rain all night, but it did stop for a few, I'm not sure why it wasn't busy?

My brother-in-law Dave came by with three of our nephews (Joshua and Owen stayed home - too old and too young)...
Ironman (Noah), Ninja Turtle (Luke) and Superman (Isaac)
(we gave them some games as well as the traditional candy)

Our friends Ike and Jeanette stopped by with their son Grayson as well - he was a monkey.  And then a friend I used to work with at the golf course stopped by for a quick visit as well, she stayed here to chat while her son went to some of our neighbours to trick or treat.
And, we got in a short skype call with my nephew and niece!  It was fun to see them in their costumes - Nolan was Optimus Prime and Abby was Strawberry Shortcake.  The call was short because both parties got pretty distracted whenever new people came to the door for candy, but it was still good to see them!
I hope everyone has had a safe and happy Halloween!

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