Christmas Morning - The Adults
So Christmas morning is obviously all about the kids, but the adults enjoyed themselves as well...
For example, my dad enjoyed looking after Abby's new baby (her name is 'Fella') while Abby opened more gifts...
My Aunt Mary enjoyed opening her gift from us, wrapped by Curt and lovingly taped in a way that made it almost impossible to open...
Curt enjoyed wearing his new Christmas gifts - a new t-shirt, and button (too small to see) that says 'Curt is King'...
And, my brother enjoyed making waffles for everyone with his new waffle maker...
Stick with me, just a few more pictures :)
Christmas Day - The Rest of the Day
The next part of Christmas morning involves brunch at my Uncle John and Aunt Jody's house! They live right around the corner from my brother, so we walked over...Tom and Nolan took advantage of the opportunity to play a little street hockey on the walk over...
After brunch it was back to my brothers house, most of us took a nap and then spent some time visiting and playing. We went separate ways for dinner - Tom, Krystle and Nolan went to have dinner with Krystle's family, and Curt and I took Abby to my parents house for dinner (because Abby wasn't feeling well, they decided not to take her to a place where she would be around other kids). She was really worn out by this point and ended up falling asleep on my lap :) When she stirred and seemed to be waking up, my mom got dinner on the table...I asked Abby if she wanted to get up and have something to eat, she replied 'NO, I just want to snuggle here'....awww, melts my heart, so I ended up staying on the couch with her while everyone else ate dinner...
Once Tom and Krystle arrived at my parents, Abby went straight to mommy, and I enjoyed my Christmas dinner :)
Overall, I guess it was a pretty low key day, but it was GREAT! It was a nice mix of family time and quiet time...and of course, eating!
Thanks for sticking with me and making it to the end of some long Christmas posts! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
21 hours ago