Round Two of Christmas was with my family in Acton. Curt and I both had to work on Christmas Eve, but only for the morning, so once we got work out of the way, we hit the road! I was originally scheduled to be one of three people who have to put in a full day at the office, so I wouldn't have finished until 5pm - I'm very thankful that someone was willing to cover for me, so I was able to get to Acton in time to attend the Christmas Eve service at the church I grew up in. This service, and the family get together my mom hosts afterwards, are two traditions I cherish (really I'm big into all traditions at this time of year!).
Christmas Morning - The Kids
Christmas morning, Curt and I got a knock on our door at 7:15am...not too bad...Nolan and Abby were up and READY TO GO! They had been up for a few minutes already, so my parents and Aunt Mary had already been called and were on their way over so we could all open gifts together.
This was one of the first gifts Abby opened, and was she ever excited with her new Dora chapstick!
For the most part, Nolan and Abby opened their own gifts and did their own thing. But, when Abby got to this particular gift, Nolan was very interested in watching her open it...he could tell by the way it was wrapped that it was a hockey stick! Abby got her very own Disney Princess hockey stick.
It was pretty hard to get a good picture of Nolan this year, he was too busy with all the presents :)
Excuse the red eye, and poor quality of this picture, I just had to post it anyway...poor Abby wasn't feeling very good, and wasn't sleeping well due to her cough, so by the time she was done opening presents, this is what she looked like...
And, after all the gifts were opened, Nolan took some time to enjoy some of his new toys and games. Here, he sits down with Uncle Curt to check out his new Cars Monopoly game.
Abby spent a bit of time playing with her new dolls, but really, she just wanted to snuggle with her mom.
So that wraps things up for the kids, next post will be about the adults.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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