We arrived on Thursday, which was the same day my parents came home from Florida. They had been away for two weeks, and the reunion between Grandma, Papa and Nolan was one to be remembered! Nolan stood on the front porch, hands in the air, his whole little body shaking in excitement, calling out 'my buddy Papa', until my dad got to him and picked him up for a hug! I really wish someone had been videotaping, but, everyone was either busy laughing, or busy crying!
The weather was amazing all weekend, and on Friday Nolan and I took advantage of the sun, and went for a nice long walk...well, I walked while he rode in a wagon! We stopped by the fire hall, and Nolan got to help one of the firefighters wash a police car! (this wasn't as random as it sounds...my brother is a firefighter, so Nolan is well known at the hall).
Later that day, Curt helped my brother assemble a new play set for Nolan. The set has a tunnel, which Nolan would go on top of, but not through, and two slides, which he loved going down. And, he still loved the slide after taking a fall off of one...from the top...while Curt and I were supervising :) Lucky for us, and Nolan, the ground is still really soft, so it cushioned his fall.
Saturday we took a trip to Ikea, I think Nolan is a big fan!
Curt and I also had a chance to spend some time visiting my Nana and Aunt Mary, which was great. And, I know they're probably reading this, so HELLO, it was great to see you, ladies!
We had our Easter dinner on Saturday, and this year, we had deep fried turkey. If you haven't had it, you should try it! It's a lot better then it sounds, it actually sounds kinda gross, but it's really good.
On Sunday, before church, Nolan had an Easter Egg Hunt around the house. He did really well, and found all TWENTY FIVE eggs that Krystle and Curt had 'hid' for him!
After church on Sunday, we spent lots of time outside, enjoying another beautiful day! Nolan was thrilled when his mom let him eat chips...right out of the bag!
Much to my delight, it seems that Nolan is a fan of golf! Now, he's a HUGE fan of anything trucks...and definitely spends the majority of his time playing trucks. But, he would often pick up a golf club from his little set and entertain himself with the club and a ball. Unfortunately, it didn't look much like golf...and often ended up becoming more like a game of 'Whack-a-Mole'. But, here he is with his little golf bag :)
It was a great weekend, and I can't wait until we can do it again. Next time, I'll have another little one to take pictures of!
What a cute kid. Must get his looks from his father.