Last night, we got together with friends, Henk and Amy, and the four of us went bowling! We were all commenting that we hadn't been bowling in ages, so it was a lot of fun. It was 'Laser Bowl', so it was too dark for pictures, but I did get this one before we left the house.

Yup, Curt has his own bowling ball and bowling shoes. He bought them months ago at Value Village, and this is the first time he has used them. Notice his shirt too, he said he wore that because it looked like a bowling shirt :) Of course he went out and got a strike on his very first frame, so now I won't be able to convince him to re-donate the shoes and ball back to Value Village :)
This morning it was my turn to help in the Toddlers Nursery at church and it was BUSY, there was probably about 18 kids (all around three years old) in the room today. And in case that doesn't sound busy enough, about 20 minutes into the service, the fire alarm went off! It was loud, the poor little kids all looked terrified and covered their ears immediately. Luckily we had plenty of helpers, four adults and three youth helpers, and not all parents had left the room yet. As we were getting the kids organized to leave the building, many parents arrived to pick up their kids, so no adult had more than two children by the time we left the building. We weren't outside long before two fire trucks arrived, and after a quick inspection, the firemen allowed us to go back inside. I had a little girl with me who had been quite calm during the whole thing, never asking for her mom or anything...but, when we went to go back inside, she kept telling me she didn't want to go in because it was TOO LOUD! :) Curt told me after the service, that once everyone was back in the sanctuary it was announced that a child had pulled the alarm in one of the nurseries...hopefully it wasn't my room :)
I guess the fire department has asked the church to have a drill during a service, it's obviously important for the close six hundred people in attendance to know what to do if there really is a fire. I'm hoping they don't count this as a drill, it took us way too long to get the kids outside...but, I'm also hoping that if, or when, they do a drill, it's not my day in the nursery!
Guess I wouldn't have been proud eh?