Tuesday night is curling, and we had a little Christmas potluck. We only played six ends, instead of eight, and then gathered upstairs for food. We got lucky in the last end, and pulled off a win - we're 5 and 4 after the first half of the season!
Wednesday night we had a great time visiting friends - Pete and Shauna, from California, are in town for Christmas, so we all got together at Ike and Jeanette's (and Grayson's). It was a really fun night, and we were glad to fit in at least one visit with Pete and Shauna before everyone got busy with family commitments. We stayed out way too late, but, when we only get to see these guys a few times a year, you do what you have to do.
Thursday night was skating, as usual, but it was a little hard for everyone to focus - so it was a pretty relaxed night. And to be honest, I think I was having the hardest time focusing, so I'm to blame.
So, before we knew it, it was Friday. Curt got off work at noon, and I got off at 1pm - so, we had lots of time to pack and get organized, then it was off to Acton!
Christmas in Acton was great, as usual, and we continued with many of our favourite traditions.
Christmas Eve always includes our church service, and then a get-together at my parents. There is always good food and good company - and this year was no different. I was reminded of one tradition that has faded away, but will always been a fond memory...my parents used to give my cousins pajamas for Christmas, they would open them at our house on Christmas Eve and immediately put them on, then they would be ready to go straight to bed when they got home. They're way too old for this now though, which means I'm getting old too :)
Christmas morning we were at Tom and Krystle's, and my parents joined us there once the kids were up. And, Nolan wasn't up until just after 8am...and that was because Krystle woke him...which is fine by me, I'm sure it will be earlier next year. We all enjoyed opening our gifts to/from each other...and especially got a kick out of Nolan opening his gifts!
Nolan, soaking in each and every gift in his stocking - which is almost as big as him!
My Dad and Abby, watching 'The Nolan Show'!
My brother, Tom, checking out the antique fire extinguisher that Curt and I gave him.
Christmas night, Curt and I had turkey dinner with my parents. It was different with just the four of us, usually my Nana and Aunt Mary would have been with us, but Nana isn't well enough for that anymore...so, my dad delivered take-out meals to them instead. After dinner we enjoyed some adult time, and played a few games of Ticket to Ride and Canasta. Once Tom and Krystle were done with Krystle's side of the family, they joined us for a bit, too.
Boxing Day we were able to go shopping - a relatively new tradition, but a popular one. My mom loves to go so she can start her Christmas shopping for next year, she's crazy that way! I wish it would rub off on me though, I always regret leaving it until the last minute. I had some birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so I was happy to find something to spend some of it on. I bought an awesome Helly Hansen coat...just what I need right, another coat!?!? I actually saw this coat, in black, last year when I was working at SportChek, but it was pricey, and I couldn't justify the purchase. But, it was on sale for 50% off on Boxing Day, and they had it in white, which was even nicer then the black one! I couldn't resist.
Monday's highlight was going public skating with Nolan. Curt and I both took our skates so that we could do this, and I'm really glad we did, and I think Nolan is, too. However, I don't think Nolan was really up for showing us what he can do on the ice. He wouldn't really do anything on his own, he wanted Curt and I to hold his hand at all times. Actually, he really wanted Curt and I to skate fast with him...so, we did...until a big fall, that is. It was Curt's turn to go fast with Nolan, so he was holding him under his arms, and Nolan was positioned between Curt's feet...then Nolan decided to split his feet, and he tripped Curt...they both went down, and Nolan hurt his knee a little. He had a bit of a meltdown, but once he settled down and had a drink, he wanted to get right back on the ice - that's my boy!
A few skating pics - sorry, I know they're blurry, but it's all I have.
Tuesday meant it was time to head home. We left just after lunch so that we would have time to stop at Ikea on the way. A trip to Ikea - and it was Curt's idea! We found what we were looking for, and now we have a project to work on in the new year...more on that later.
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