...and I'll cry if I want to!
So, today was the big day...my 30th Birthday. I had this title all planned out a few days ago, and little did I know how much I would actually cry on my birthday?!?! Now, for those of you who really know me, you'll probably assume that I was upset because I was turning thirty. I haven't been looking forward to this 'milestone'...I've actually been dreading it! And, I made sure that everyone knew I didn't want anyone to make a big deal of the day.
However, the tears were not because it was my birthday, but because of a rough few days at work. This is a stressful time of year for our clients...they're anxious to get their cheques early, and want to be able to have some sort of Christmas for themselves. Unfortunately, they tend to be impatient and nasty, and they take their frustrations out on us. So, by Friday, I had had my share of horrible phone calls, and I finally just lost it...and cried (it's just who I am).
Luckily, it was Curt's Friday off, and we had made plans to meet for lunch - and it was a much needed visit in the middle of the day! It was great to get out of the office and to enjoy each others company.
After an uneventful afternoon back at the office, it was off to the arena. It was a pretty low-key night; it was our last night for the CanSkate session, so we offered a family skate. And, I have to say, it was a relief to not have to teach a group lesson.
Next, it was off to Pizza Hut with various other coaches, and some of the executive, for a Christmas/Appreciation Dinner for our Program Assistants.
And finally, back to the arena, this time to watch Curt's hockey game - the first of his games that I've been to all season (I used to go to his games every week, this season has been a lot different).
So, it was a busy day, and although I didn't want to do anything special for my birthday, I'm not sure I would have wished for today's events for, either. I would have at least changed the morning at work :) One thing I wouldn't change is the very sweet gift that Curt got for me - he surprised me with a pearl necklace, and a gift card to do some shopping!
Oh, and now that I'm 30, I'll have to let everyone know how I did with my '30 by 30' challenge! That will be a later post.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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