About a month ago, I posted about the vegetable garden I planted. For those of you who missed that post, or you forget what it looked like at the point in time, here is a picture from early June.
And, here is what the garden looks like today!
(Keep in mind, we've had extremely HOT weather this past week, so I
haven't done any weeding...and yes, there are still LOTS of weeds in and
around those 'spare' hostas!)
The far end looks a little different, right!?!? Those are tomatoes, NOT weeds! You can't even see the plants in behind them. I may have gone a little overboard with tomato plants...so, for all the family that is coming to visit in August, be prepared to eat tomatoes! :) Just kidding, we're actually thinking about making salsa - sounds good, but we'll see if it happens.
And, just to prove that those aren't weeds, here is what we're starting to see...
Cherry Tomatoes
Beefsteak Tomatoes
Green Peppers
And, cucumbers!
Now, I made a mistake when I originally planted my little veggie plants - I only planted one pea plant, ooops. I was told by a co-worker that one plant would not be enough, and that I should add a few more; when I told my mom that I only planted one plant, she laughed at me! But, I never got around to getting back to the store to buy a few more plants. And, today, I noticed that the pea plant did in fact have some pods on it...but, the plant is pretty brown, and I think I've lost it.
They're brown, but there are pea pods on this plant!
So, there you have it, my first veggie garden! I have to admit, I was pretty excited today when I took the time to look at each plant, and I saw that they were actually producing vegetables! It really couldn't have been any easier. Next year, I'm going to go bigger - I definitely want to add some carrots, and we'll see what else I can think of!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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