Saturday was a little different at the Open. Curt and I didn't have a volunteer shift...Curt actually asked to have this day off so we could attend his cousins wedding, but, I decided not to attend the wedding. So, Curt got up bright and early Saturday morning to head back towards home...he had to meet someone to go over a work project, and then he was off to the campgrounds for the wedding (yes, the campgrounds...his cousin was getting married at the family camp-out).
I stayed back and hung out with my brother for the morning, and when Nolan got back from swimming lessons, he and I set off for the day! Our first stop, Ikea - it was a pretty quick stop, Curt and I had picked out a bed frame online, I just had to pick it up. But, I couldn't go to Ikea and not go through the showroom and warehouse...although it's a little harder to do that when you've got a four and a half year old with you!
Once we were done at Ikea, it was off the the golf course - I was very excited to take Nolan to his first PGA event! :) Nolan fell asleep in the truck on the way to the course, and he was not impressed when I woke him up...luckily, he was excited to get on the shuttle bus from the parking lot to the golf course - and the shuttle bus was just a school bus, he takes one every day to school? Oh well, at least he was happy!
Nolan sporting his foam finger on the bus ride...
Once you got in the gates at the golf course, there was a 'fan experience' area - Golf Canada had an area for kids to make a few little chip shots, so Nolan gave it a try.
Watching his shot closely....
He only got to hit three balls, but one of them went pretty close to the hole. The best part of this was when the guy asked him what way he held the club (left or right), and Nolan told him that he didn't know because 'Papa is going to teach me next year' :)
The next thing we had to do, eat icecream, of course!
After his icecream, we walked towards the ninth hole to find a shady spot to sit and watch for awhile. As we walked past the driving range, one of the volunteers gave Nolan a range ball, which he was pretty excited about. That golf ball ended up being a life saver that afternoon! As I watched golf, Nolan played with the golf ball :) ha! I would watch a golfer hit a shot, and then watch Nolan 'hit' his shot (kick the ball) closer to his 'hole' (a spot in the tree trunk we were sitting under). Nolan was so well behaved though, when the golfers got the green, I would tell him to be very quiet so he didn't disturb them...and, he would either stop to watch, or continue playing his little game quietly.
Overall, he wasn't quite as excited about the whole thing as I had hoped he would be :) He's the ultimate sports fan, so I thought he would be into it...but, golf is obviously a lot slower paced than hockey, and slow paced is not ideal at his age :) But, I still loved that he came with was great to have a Nolan and Auntie Boo day.
On our way out, Matt Kuchar was standing outside the clubhouse signing autographs! And, although Nolan had no idea who he was, I took him over so that he could have Matt sign his foam finger. We hung out by the clubhouse getting autographs for awhile after that...and, important lesson, players will ALWAYS stop to sign something for a really cute little kid!
I couldn't get him to look at the camera (my phone) because the sun was right in his eyes :)
You can see the golf ball he got in his left hand. Ken Duke signed it for him, but he insisted on carrying it after that...and, his hand must have been a little sweaty because most of the signature rubbed off.
And, one last picture on our way out...
So, day three at the Open was great a totally different way than the first two days! Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for letting me take Nolan with me :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
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