Monday, October 31, 2011

Good-Bye October

I haven't blogged in a long time...other than Thanksgiving, October hasn't been very blog worthy.

Work has been going pretty well, and last Friday (Oct. 28th) marked one year since I started with the Ministry of Community & Social Services! It's pretty crazy that I've been there this long - this job was tough at first, and during my first two contracts, I kept a countdown so I knew exactly how many more days I had to work there before it was all over. Thankfully, even though there are still plenty of rough days, I no longer have to keep a countdown, and am enjoying the job, for the most part. The position that I've been doing for the past year, Program Support Clerk, was finally posted a few weeks, I have applied for a permanent position. Unfortunately, 542 other people applied too! Ha! Isn't that crazy!?! I can only hope that my experience, and the fact that I currently work there, gets me through the screening stage :)

Curling started three weeks ago, but we've only played twice - we had a bye in the second week. We got smoked the first week, we didn't really give the other team any competition at all :) But, last week, we played like a totally different team - a team that was experienced, and had played together before - not sure where that came from?!?! And, we pulled out a win, which was pretty exciting. Just before we started, Maria asked if we thought we would ever win - I don't think any of us were expecting a win this early in the season.

Skating is in full swing, and it's definitely keeping me busy! Skate Canada has made a lot of changes this year, so choreographing solos has been challenging this year...I just have a few finishing touches and they'll all be done, so that's a huge relief. I have two skaters going to a competition at the end of the month, so it will be just in time.

I would have normally had skating tonight, but it was cancelled for Halloween - I was glad to be able to stay home and give out candy with Curt (we had close to 70 kids!). Our nephews came by and were super cute - Josh was Superman, Noah was a Storm Trooper, Isaac was a Cowboy, Luke was a Knight and Owen was a Pumpkin! I took a picture, but the lighting was horrible. We made up special goodie bags for them, so Curt sent his brother a text message to make sure they came by our place...Dave responded by saying 'we'll be there, we're just getting them ready...there are too many of them, we're outnumbered'. Ha! You think?!?! You have FIVE boys!!!

So, if you're still reading this, thanks for sticking with me. As you can tell, the last few weeks have been pretty boring! Our countdown to California has begun, and it's helping me get past the boredom - we leave on December 3rd, only 33 days from today!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Last Round - Take Two

A few weeks ago, I posted about my last game of golf for the season (you can read it here: The Last Round). Well, if you're really observant, you may have noticed that it wasn't actually my last round...I played again Thanksgiving weekend AND I played in a tournament this past weekend.

On Sunday, Curt and I played in a 'Swing & Sweep' - an event co-hosted by Quinte Curling Club and Bay of Quinte Golf and Country Club. I often worked during this event while I was employed at Bay of Quinte, but now that we're members of Quinte Curling Club, we got to be participants...and, it was a lot of fun!

We played nine holes of golf in the morning - and, needless to say, I was a little nervous when we got to the course and realized Curt and I weren't going to be playing together. Thankfully, the nerves didn't last long - the people I played with were friendly and welcoming, and I played pretty well - so it ended up being a great morning. It was a little cool, especially when we started, but it did warm up and it ended up being pretty nice day (best of all, it didn't rain). Golf was a 'Texas Scramble' format, and we ended up one over - we were even going into the last hole, and then bogeyed, which was a little disappointing.

After golf, it was off to the curling club where lunch was served.

The afternoon was spent curling - we played eight ends with regular curling rules. Unfortunately it didn't go as well as golf. Our team only got two points - it was a blow out, to say the least! It was fun though, and I was glad to have some more practice.

After drinks at the curling club, it was back to the golf club for dinner and prizes.

And, it's official, I'm going to have to give up my amateur golf status because our team won - our +1 held up! There was an overall winner - the team that did the best in both golf and curling - and then a golf winner and a curling winner. Our curling score didn't do much for us, so we were only the golf winners...not that I'm complaining!

We got to choose our prize from a pretty nice prize table...this is what I ended up with...

So, my stats for this golf season are pretty good - I played in two tournaments, and won both (well, my team won both, I could have never won a tournament on my own!). I really can't believe how much I've come to enjoy golf; as I was curling on Sunday afternoon, I was thinking that maybe if I stick with it as long as I have stuck with golf, maybe I'll enjoy it as much as golf one day?!?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thanksgiving - Part 2

Well, I didn't get this post done when I wanted to...but, as they say, 'better late then never'.

On Monday morning, it was off to the pumpkin patch with Tom and Krystle and the kids. We went to this same pumpkin patch last year, and had a great time...and although it was a little different this year, I think we all still really enjoyed our time there. The weather was AMAZING - it was actually HOT (not just warm), which is pretty unusual for this area in October.

Checking out the 'monster pumpkins'. As soon as Tom saw these, he said he was getting one.
As soon as Nolan saw the monster pumpkins, he thought he should lift one up! Needless to say, it was a little too heavy.
It must be a family thing because Abby really liked the big pumpkins too!

The Robertson's walking through the corn maze.
Unfortunately, the various paths through the corn maze weren't cleared as well as they were last year, so we really had to watch where we were walking. And, the kids had to be especially careful to avoid stumbling. As I mentioned, it was really HOT while we were there...we were supposed to be finding signs throughout the maze; each sign contained a hidden letter, and once we found all six letters, we would be able to spell a fall themed word. We hadn't found all the letters, but we were all getting sweaty, so we just decided to find our way out and head back to the store.

We were the only ones on the wagon, so Nolan took advantage and got as close as he could to the tractor!
And, what better way to end a trip to the pumpkin patch on a HOT fall day then with an ice cream cone...
I have so many other pictures from our day, it was so hard to select just a few! Special thanks to Tom and Krystle for agreeing to take this little outing with Curt and I - it was my idea, and despite having a busy weekend already, they went along with Auntie Boo's suggestion.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thanksgiving - Part 1

Well, it's already been a week since we were in Acton for Thanksgiving, and I'm finally getting around to posting here about the fabulous weekend we had! It's been one of those weeks...but, I'm happy to say that after procrastinating for weeks, I finally buckled down and got solo music ready for all of my skaters! That is a huge weight off my shoulders!

Anyway, Thanksgiving was a time of fun activities, lots of visiting with family and great food! We couldn't really ask for much more during the two and a half days we were away.

I had to coach on Saturday, so we didn't leave home until late afternoon...but, we arrived in Acton in time for dinner, the first amazing meal of the weekend. Thanks to Dad for BBQ'ing the steaks even though the 'Stanley Cup Champion Maple Leafs were playing'! (ha! Sorry, inside joke, but my dad probably chuckled when he read that).

Sunday, it was off to church. The church I grew up attending, Knox Presbyterian Church, is a beautiful old church. There is a sign on the red brick that says 'Erected in 1894'! And, like many churches that are that old, there are lots of stained glass windows! The church is currently fundraising to have some work done on the stained glass windows - and, Curt and I chose a window and made a donation so that that one window can have the necessary upgrades done to it. Window #32 located in a room on the second floor of the church, behind the balcony and overlooking Main St.; growing up, this room was where we met weekly for our Junior Choir practices, and later, where our high school Sunday School class met during the service. These two parts of church are full of great memories, and I think it would be fair to say they both played a part in shaping the person I am today - so, I'm very glad to be contributing to a window in that room.

After church, we finally got to see my brother and sister-in-law and the kids! They were at a wedding on Saturday afternoon/evening, and spent the night out of town. After a little visit and a quick bite to eat, the kids went down for their naps, and the boys and I were off to play golf with dad. I am so glad we still get a chance to play Blue Springs, the course I used to work at - and I LOVE playing the course in the fall, the colours are beautiful.

The elevated tee at the second hole, always a favourite.

We had to be home for Thanksgiving dinner, so we didn't expect to get in a full 18 holes...but, we managed to play 17 after jumping around a little bit to avoid having to wait. It's great to play with someone who works there, they can get away with that kind of thing!

Dinner was amazing, of course - thanks mom!

Abby and Uncle Curt sharing dessert.
Nolan, very focused on his dessert.
This great day was closed off with card games with Tom and Krystle. We had to be good and go to bed on time though, because it was off to the pumpkin patch on Monday. And, that will get a post all on its own...hopefully tomorrow.