Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So Long Movember...

you will not be missed!

Well, we've made it to the end of November/Movember, and I couldn't be happier.

Here is a picture of Curt as of today....

Thankfully, Curt has been a little annoyed with the moustache throughout the month, so there won't be any question about him getting rid of it! He said that it got in the way when he had to blow his nose...and it felt weird when he was drinking out of a glass.

So, Movember is raising money for a great cause...and I hope that a lot of money was raised this year...but, I'm glad it's over and I hope Curt doesn't get on the band wagon next year :)

Update: I wrote this post a few hours ago, but just took the picture of Curt to add to the post. As I took the picture he commented that I only had to put up with it for a few more days. What?!?! He tells me that he wants to leave it so that the family can see it (as in my side of the family). I told him that's why I was blogging about it, so they could see the picture...but I think he's seriously going to keep it. UGH!

I can guarantee that it will be gone BEFORE we leave for the airport on Saturday!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Long Weekend

Well, I have to say it, I was right! A few weeks ago, I commented that we should have four day work weeks and three day weekends...and, as we wrap up a three day weekend, I can say that it would be glorious to have this every weekend.

Friday was Remembrance Day, and since Curt and I both work for the Government, we both had the day off! We both had a low key, but productive, days around the house. I got some of my weekend chores done early so I could have the rest of the weekend off - just laundry, vacuuming and dusting type chores. I also put dinner in the slow cooker in the morning, so I wouldn't have to worry about that at dinner time. I tried a recipe I found on Pinterest, and it was delicious!

Salsa Chicken, served on a bed of rice...
I've been on Pinterest for months, and have pinned so many recipes, but this is the first one I've actually made. I was glad that it didn't disappoint!

After dinner, we went to visit Ike and Jeanette and played some Rummoli - Curt was the big winner at the end of the night.

Saturday was pretty typical - I had to coach, can't change that.

We recently discovered we have access to some pretty cheap Belleville Bulls tickets - Curt's cousin has seasons tickets, and if he can't make it to a particular game, he sells them off pretty cheap. So, we took advantage of that on Saturday night and went to watch the Bulls play the Saginaw Spirit - the Bulls won in a shootout! I never would have thought I would go to a hockey game and enjoy watching it?!?! I'm still a figure skater through and through though - that's obvious by various comments I make during the game; for example, a player took a shot on net, and another player had to jump to get out of the path of the puck, my first response was to say that he had good height and probably could have rotated an axel! Curt always enjoys my commentary :)

There is always different contests on the ice between periods, and last night, one of the contests had four people on the ice taking shots at signs, trying to knock down as many as possible in a set amount of time. The sign was supposed to read 'Go Bulls Go', and each letter was an individual sign. There were four different people setting things up, three younger guys who probably work at the rink, and a fourth guy, dressed in a suit in tie, who probably works for the Bulls. Here is the what the guy in the suit and tie came up with...
Bahahaha! He set it up from behind (obviously), and when he came around in front to look at it, he just shrugged his shoulders and moved on :)

Today, has been another incredibly low key day, and I've loved every minute of it! Curt and I have both enjoyed relaxing and feeling like we have nothing that HAS to be done. We even had time to play a game today - we pulled out Trivial Pursuit 90's - Curt kicked my butt, but that's because he's so much older then me, he obviously remembers more from the 90's then I do, I was just a young child after all!

We enjoyed another slow cooker dinner - a roast with potatoes and vegetables - and now Curt is setting up the DVD player so we can record Battle of the Blades and The Amazing Race. I have been part of a book club with friends over the last months, and we moved our night from Tuesday's to Sunday's, so I'll be heading out the door shortly. We will be talking about the book 'The Glass Castle' by Jeannette Walls - I thought it was a pretty good book, but the discussions with the other girls always makes me appreciate the book even more.

After such a relaxing weekend, you'd think I would be all prepared to go back to work tomorrow...but, I don't think that will be the case. However, knowing that I only have 15 more days of work (20 days in total) until we leave for California should give me the extra motivation I'll need to get up and get to the office!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

I really wish weekends were longer...I think a four day work week, with a three day weekend, would be perfect. Two days just go by way too fast, especially when you throw in a quick trip home for a birthday party.

I can't believe it, but, Nolan turns FOUR today and his parents had a party for him yesterday - so, it was off to Acton to celebrate!

I had to coach on Saturday, so we didn't get to leave until late afternoon. We arrived in Acton around 6:30pm and went to visit my parents - Tom and Krystle had their own plans and were out for the evening anyway. We had a nice visit with my parents, and even had time for a game of Canasta - which the girls won, of course!

On Sunday, Nolan woke up ready to go - he was sooo excited for his party! Tom and Krystle had a few things to do around the house to get ready, so Curt and I took Nolan to church with us - it gave Nolan something to do to get his mind off his party, and it got him out of his parents hair for awhile...I think it was a win-win!

Nolan seemed a little grumpy when he woke up from his nap - but, once the other kids arrived he perked right up, and the presents seemed to help too!

Look at all the gift bags...and you really only see half of them in this picture!

Here he is enjoying a quick look at one of his new dinosaur books. He is in LOVE with dinosaurs, and almost every gift had something to do with them.

My parents bought Nolan a new snowsuit...and, my mom had to get him a hat to go with it! I laughed when I saw this because I used to have one just like it, except it was pink. I probably had more then one actually, my mom loves these things, but I remember the pink one.

My mom made the birthday cake - and of course, it was a dinosaur.

And, although you're probably already in picture overload, I have to throw one in of Abby and I - she is in such a fun stage right now! This is a picture Curt took of the two of us playing on the couch while Nolan opened all his presents.

Something was really funny...too bad I can't remember what we were laughing at.

Unfortunately, we had to eat and soon as we were done with our dessert we decided to hit the road. It felt a little rushed, but it was nice to get home at a decent time. So, although it was a little rushed, we were really glad that we could be there to celebrate with the Robertson's. It was also nice to see the rest of the family - especially the Watson's! And this is the perfect time for a shout out to my Uncle John, one of my few blog readers, I got this post up tonight just for him!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well, it's November...but, we'll be calling it Movember around here this year :(

Curt has decided to participate in this worldwide event to raise awareness for men's health issues - so, he'll be growing a moustache for the month.

I know that it's for a great cause, but, I'm still not thrilled...and, I may have tried to convince him not to do it. But, he's determined and I can't change his mind.

So, here is a picture I took tonight - a 'before' picture. I might post a picture mid-way through the month...and then again on Nov. 30 right before he SHAVES it OFF!

I hope November goes by really fast!