Sunday, April 8, 2012

Florida - The Rest

Another reason we didn't do as much on this trip is because Curt had some work to do.  That's something we're getting used to when we travel though; now that Curt has his own business, Three Hills Engineering, when he gets a job, there is no one else to do it!  So, he spent probably one solid day inside working, and then a few hours here and there.  He took lots of little breaks, and made sure to hit the pool and/or hot tub during those breaks.   

As you can see here, he didn't seem to mind too much...

One of the activities we did during the week was our annual trip to Webster's Flea Market!  This flea market is HUGE, and you can buy anything from knock-off purses and sunglasses to puppies to antiques - it's always an adventure looking at the different booths.  Curt and I try to collect license plates from the different states we visit, and the flea market is a great place to find those - this year was no exception, we found California and Missouri plates to add to our collection!

Webster is about an hour from the house, and although we had two rental vehicles, we all crammed into the minivan to get there.

And, on the way home from the flea market, we stopped at Ruby Tuesday's for lunch!  Ruby Tuesday's is my favourite.  And I think it may be a new favourite of my mom's and Vicki's now too - they ordered a drink called a 'Ruby Relaxer' and enjoyed it so much that we made them back at the house the rest of the week!

Curt took advantage of having an American address for nine days :)  He had a few things shipped to the house from companies that don't ship to Canada.  Unfortunately, when he submitted the address online, he gave the wrong house number - he gave #30621 and it should have been #30612!  It wasn't a problem though, he simply went a few doors down to #30621 and explained what happened, and asked if he could leave a note on the door asking the delivery guy to bring the stuff to the proper address.  The English family staying at the house had no problem with that, and the delivery guys must have been OK with it too because everything arrived with no issues!  

He ordered cigars and tennis racquets.  Vicki helped Curt break in the tennis racquets at the court in our neighbourhood...
We have often heard an ice cream truck driving around the neighbourhood, but have never bought anything until this year!  We heard the chimes so we went out front to catch the truck as it went by, unfortunately, the driver must not have seen us, so he turned down a street and drove away from us.  So, I did what any normal adult would do, I chased after him!  :)  I didn't actually run after him, I just walked around the block until I saw him, waved him down and told him to return to Blossom Hill Loop!

Just look at this picture, obviously everyone really wanted ice cream...I couldn't let them go to bed disappointed...

And, that pretty much sums up our time in Florida.  So, after a wonderful nine days, Aunt Mary, Curt and I said our good-byes and returned to Ontario (my parents and the Mitchell's stayed for another week, we were jealous).

But, as you can see, we had tired Aunt Mary out, so it was time for her to come home...

Sorry Aunt Mary, I couldn't resist!

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