Monday, June 18, 2012

Celebrating Dad!

This past weekend was another three day weekend for me (loving my Friday CWW!), so I decided to go to Acton to visit family and celebrate my dad - his birthday was on Thursday (June 14th), and of course, Father's Day was Sunday. 

Curt stayed in Belleville for the weekend because he had his own plans - he played in a golf tournament on Friday and again on Sunday.  The tournament on Friday was an Engineering Tournament, and he played with his friend Matt, his brother Mark, and Mark's friend Matt.  The four of them won, with a score of -13!  And Sunday's round was a qualifying event for a yearly tournament at Bay of Quinte, the Pell Cup - Curt played another great round, shooting 86!

Friday's winning team...Matt W, Mark, Matt L and Curt!  First place was Callaway sunglasses, which the guys are modelling in this picture.  Notice that Matt W and Curt have white sunglasses - what you can't see is that they had rhinestones :)  Thankfully, they were able to exchange those in the Pro Shop.
So, when Curt left for the course on Friday, I left for Acton.  It was nice to have the morning at home, and I thought leaving mid-day would mean a quick drive...unfortunately that didn't happen, traffic was pretty bad and it was really slow across Toronto.  Oh well, I still arrived in time to visit with my mom and the kids for awhile.  I was hoping I would get to see Nolan get off the school bus, but my mom had actually picked him up early for the day.

Friday evening was spent visiting with my parents, enjoying the dinner my mom prepared for us - thanks mom!  And, after dinner it was back to Tom and Krystle's to visit with them and play some games. 

Because Curt wasn't with me this time, I decided to stay at my parents...but, Saturday morning I got a call from Nolan and he said 'Auntie Boo, do you want to come and watch me play lacrosse?'  I obviously couldn't say no to that, so it was off to the arena.  It was fun to watch - each team had a little superstar, and no, it wasn't Nolan :)  Apparently Nolan usually gets a few assists per game, but not this game.  He wasn't really into running during this particular game, but he still broke a sweat?!?  I took pictures during the game, but none of them turned out :( 

Here is one from the drive home, look past the silly face he made, and notice the sweaty hair....
After lacrosse and lunch, I went to spend some time with my mom (my dad was working) while the kids had a nap.  One of the things we did was set up a kiddie pool in my parents backyard!  Curt and I actually got this pool as a wedding gift (from a friend with a unique sense of humour?), and it hasn't left the box in the seven years since we received it.  We pulled it out of the crawl space for our yard sale a few weeks ago, and I asked my mom if she would be interested in having it - and, she was. 

Even though the water was FREEZING, Nolan and Abby had a great time playing in it before dinner on Saturday.

I think Abby was making a funny face because the water was so cold, and, as you can see, Nolan thought it was hilarious...

And, after another great dinner and dessert (thanks mom!) it was time for dad to open his gifts!

Here, Abby is helping Papa open his gift from the kids and grandkids, a GPS...
My dad knew what this was as soon as he saw the word 'Garmin' on the box; Abby thought she knew what this was when she saw the picture on the box, she exclaimed 'iPad'!

And here, Nolan gets in on the presents, helping Papa open his gift from Aunt Mary...

So, Saturday was a busy, but fun day!  And, this post has gotten a little long...but, stick with me, I can sum up Sunday quickly ;)

Sunday, after church and a chicken BBQ, dad and I had the chance to play golf at Blue Springs.  Our tee time was supposed to be 3:21pm, so we would have only been able to play nine holes, but because it was a cloudy day, there were a lot of cancellations and we were able to get off at 1:39pm instead.  And, we got to play a full 18 holes, and only got a little wet on the 16th hole.

A Blue Springs view I will never get tired of; from the 17th tee, looking down to 17 green and the pond...

 Unfortunately, neither dad or I were playing very well...but, I was just thankful to have the chance to play and spend time on the golf course with my dad. 

After our round, and a quick dinner at Tom and Krytle's, it was time to hit the road.  

Thanks to the family for another great weekend!

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