Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Garden Gnome

About a month ago, Curt came home from work with a gift for me (he's such a great husband, right?!?!).

He bought me my very own 'Travelocity Roaming Gnome'.....
 Does he look familiar?  He's the star of Travelocity commercials, and also makes special guest appearances on 'The Amazing Race' (my favourite reality TV show).

I actually first 'met' the gnome back in 2008 at the Venetian, in Las Vegas...
 Random story - as I stood looking at Curt while he took this picture, I noticed that the person standing right beside him was someone I knew (a member from the golf course I was working at, at that time)...neither one of us knew the other was going to be there...but, we happened to 'bump into each other' on the Vegas Strip!

Anyway, Curt brought this guy home, and he found a home in our front garden....

...right among the hens and chickens, and some weeds!
 But, he's a roaming gnome, so he obviously hasn't stayed put!  Every few days, I come home and notice that Curt has moved him he has roamed to a new spot.  Here are a few of the other places he has called 'home' over the last few weeks...

...with the roses...

....and, with the irises and a hosta...

Seeing where the gnome is located is now one of the many reasons I look forward to coming home at the end of the day!  And, it seems that it will never grow old, I still get a good laugh when I see that he has moved.

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