Saturday, March 16, 2013

Future Stars Competition

Well, since I obviously fell off the 'blog-wagon' for a few weeks (OK, seven weeks may be more than a 'few'), I'm going to back date a few posts and stick to mostly pictures in an effort to catch up.

At the end of February, I had my last competition of the season.  It was held in Wellington, so it was nice and close to home.

Shelby, Mykelti (the daughter of another coach) and Cheyenne, at the rink bright and early and excited to skate.
An action shot of Cheyenne during one of her elements.
Shelby, Cheyenne and Ella with certificates for their Challenge Elements.  Shelby received Bronze, Cheyenne received Silver, and Ella received Gold.
Shelby, Cheyenne and Ella on the ice for their Team Elements.  Shelby and Cheyenne had to skate up two levels in order to make this team, so the fact that they placed 4th out of 6 was GREAT!
Ella doing her spiral for Team Elements - this is one of her favourite elements, and she does it quite well (although, in this picture her leg is a little bent).
Hannah and Alyssa ready to do their solos.  Unfortunately, despite skating well, the girls did not place well.  Hannah was 7th out of 8, and Alyssa was 6th out of 7.
Although it was another extremely loooonnnnnggg day at the rink, it was a great day and I always enjoy experiencing competitions with my skaters.

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