Sunday, February 24, 2013

Robertson's Visit - Part 3

Well, since I obviously fell off the 'blog-wagon' for a few weeks (OK, seven weeks may be more than a 'few'), I'm going to back date a few posts and stick to mostly pictures in an effort to catch up.

So, I'm going back to the Robertson's visit, for Part 3 and all the 'extras' from the weekend.

Out for dinner, two of my favourite guys enjoying a mutual favourite meal - ribs! 
Abby, finally enjoying her dinner after a long wait for our table.
Happy girl!  Not a great picture, but I love that smile.
Nolan concentrating in order to get his smoothie through that big straw :)
Working on a masterpiece while his parents packed up to head home.  Notice those Chicago Blackhawks sweatbands on his wrists?  He wears those ALL the time when he comes to visit...we even noticed he had them on at the Bulls game!
Proudly displaying his finished product.  He did an amazing job at drawing the Blackhawks logo on that jersey - I was VERY impressed!
And that wraps up a great weekend spent with the Robertson's.

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