Friday, June 7, 2013

Hotel Robertson

So, it's no secret that when we travel, we tend to stay in Acton - either on our way out of town, on our way home, or both - and take advantage of 'Hotel Robertson'.  We actually have a choice between two hotels when we're in Acton - the Hotel Robertson: Elmore Drive, is my parents house, and Hotel Robertson: Acton Blvd. is my brothers house. 

For our trip to Aruba, we stayed at Hotel Robertson: Acton Blvd. on Friday night, and then Tom and Nolan drove us to the airport on Saturday morning.  This worked out perfectly, in more ways than one - we didn't have to pay for a hotel AND we didn't have to pay for airport parking - WIN for Curt and I!

Here's a little sneak peak of the 'activity' that kept us busy at the 'hotel' on Friday night :)

Painting toe nails!  :)
I started painting my toe nails while the kids were in the bath...I thought I would be able to finish before they did, but that didn't, when Abby saw what I was doing, I had to do hers as well.

Look at that face...I obviously couldn't say 'no' when she asked!
Keeping a close eye on 'Auntie Boo'!  Thankfully, she wasn't too picky...those tiny toe nails are tricky so it was a little messy :)
The finished product, Auntie Boo and Abby with matching 'Peach Daiquiri' toe nails!
Much to my brothers dismay, Nolan wanted in on the action too :)  He asked me to paint his toe nails, and of course I said yes.  His mom was OK with that, but Tom wasn't thrilled with the idea.  So, we compromised and put the clear base/top coat on his toes.
Abby kept a really close eye on me while I did Nolan's toes! :)

Our flight home from Aruba arrived back in Toronto close to midnight, but my parents willingly came to pick us up!  We stayed at Hotel Robertson: Elmore Dr. that night, and my mom stayed up until 1am listening to us go on and on about our trip!

So, a big thank you to everyone in Acton for always opening your doors to us and letting us use your houses like hotels!  We appreciate the convenience of that, but what we really love is that it also gives us a chance to spend time with you guys!

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