Monday, July 15, 2013

Wielemaker Camping - Part 1

Last weekend was the annual Wielemaker camping (that's Curt's mom's side of the family).  Curt's Aunt Rena and Uncle Paul were hosting this year, and they chose to have it at the Christian Conference Grounds in Grafton, which is where is was held last year. 

We got things started on Thursday night this year, so once we got home from work we rushed around finalizing things and then hit the road.  We stopped for fast food on the way, and pulled into camp around 8pm, so we had lots of time to get the trailer set up.  There were only a few families there on Thursday night, so it was pretty low key...everyone was getting settled in, and then eventually we made our way around the fire.

More people arrived throughout the morning on Friday, and Curt and I finished setting up as people came in. We finally took the time to set up our dining tent - we've had it for two years and only set it up once in our backyard (to make sure all the pieces were there).  Unfortunately, some mice got to it over the winter and there are now two holes in it :(  But, it was still great to have all the extra space...and considering how hot it was, the extra shade was great too!

This is what our final set up looked like...
We were pretty pleased with our set up!  And although it's small, that little trailer makes a big difference to this non-camper!  Our nephews were asking us why we had such a small trailer :)  I told them that it's all we need because we have no kids...they told us that when we have kids we should get a trailer like theirs...

This is Dave and Sarah's trailer (Curt's brother and his wife), and the type of trailer our nephews are used to...

Friday afternoon, a bunch of us went to play golf at Shelter Valley Pines Golf Club - a bit of a tradition when we camp at this campground. 

My foursome consisted of Curt, his cousin Tim and his Uncle Anthony...whenever Tim is involved, there has to be competition, so, we decided on a little match play!  Curt and I were five up with five to play...and then won, one up!  Ooops :)  It was fun to have a little competition involved, and exciting that I made a par putt on the last hole to stay one up! :)

Curt, Uncle Anthony and Tim...
Tim and I on the 9th tee.  I feel like I should mention that Tim didn't play the red tees, he was up there using his range finder to give me the yardage. 
And post round drinks, courtesy of the losers...
Apparently Curt and Tim were too into their conversation to stop and look at the camera...Uncle Anthony gave a good cheesy smile though!

My father-in-law Gord, and oldest nephew Josh, checking out their scorecard...
They played in the group behind us with Uncle Paul and Aunt Rena...this was the first time that Josh played 18 holes.

Once we got back to camp and had dinner, we made our way down to the water to watch the little boys swimming (well, most of them).  The water was FREEZING, so not many adults made it in.
Friday night ended with the mandatory fire...last year when I posted about Wielemaker camping, I admitted that I find campfires boring, and this year was no, I didn't last long.  I also knew that we would not be sleeping in in the morning - by Friday night, everyone was there and our area had filled up, so we knew the kids near us would be up and out playing bright and early.  Plus, our little trailer is like a sauna - and once the sun is up, it gets HOT QUICK!

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