Monday, January 25, 2010

First Test Day of 2010

Last Thursday was the first Skating Test Day of 2010, for my skaters and I, anyway.

It was hosted by Quinte FSC and I had three skaters trying tests, one from Quinte FSC and two from Tweed & District FSC. Elise tried her Dutch Waltz and passed; Kate tried her Fiesta and passed and Leah tried her Fiesta and Preliminary FreeSkate and passed both! It was a great day for the skaters, and for me as a coach.

The girls didn't seem to be nervous, but I was! This was the first time I partnered the Fiesta for a test day, and I was scared about the mohawk...turning backwards with the skater, yikes! During the warm-up I did the dance with each of the girls, and both times, the first mohawk was scratchy and slow. So, I did another round with each of them, and the mohawk was better...and by the third mohawk they were fine! During the actual tests everything went fine, and of course, I realized it wasn't work stressing about. Hopefully the girls couldn't tell I was nervous.

I had planned on taking pictures that night, so I would be able to post some here, but I had a music emergency and was totally distracted! I forgot to bring a copy of Leah's solo music from the Tweed arena, so I called Curt in a panic and he raced to the arena in Belleville with our laptop and a blank CD and I had to burn a new copy in the lobby while other tests were happening. It all worked out, but I would have felt terrible if we hadn't been able to get her music in time. I'm sure that I've learned my lesson now though and I won't be forgetting music for test days or competitions!

Here is a picture I took a few days later during practice in Tweed.

(L-R) Leah, myself and Kate

Our first competition of the season is on Saturday, I'm sure I'll be back with some stories (and hopefully pictures) from that event!

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