Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Reminders

Last night at curling, I was talking to Patsy, the lady on our team, about my Nana's death. During our conversation, Patsy was talking about the death of her parents, in particular, her father. She mentioned that it will probably be hard for awhile, and that certain things will trigger memories of my Nana - she said that just after her father died, she would hear certain country songs that reminded her of him, and she would get all teary-eyed at the memories.

Well, Patsy didn't know it, but I had already experienced a little of that myself, and had it again this morning.

Music was really important to my Nana - and one of the things I spoke about at her funeral, something that I have great memories of, is that my Nana led the Junior Choir at our church for years...and I was part of that choir, for years!

On Sunday, I had to go into town to run some errands, and I was listening to our local Christian radio station...a song came on that I've heard before, but I can't think of the name of it. Anyway, there is a portion of the song, a bridge, that sounds a lot like the song 'Lord of the Dance' (it's just the music, not the lyrics, to the song). Well, like I said, I've heard this song before, but when I heard it that day I had to choke back tears. You see, we used to sing 'Lord of the Dance' in Junior Choir and I immediately associated it with my Nana.

And then this morning, another song that I've heard before, and always really enjoyed, came on during my drive to work. The lyrics of this song have always been very moving, but today they seemed to have a whole new meaning.

The song is by Matt Maher, and is called 'Christ is Risen'.

Here is the part that really got me...

Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave

Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! He's alive!

Powerful, right? Anyone else crying? ;) What an awesome reminder that we should not let death have a 'sting', because we will all be together again - and, what a great day that will be!

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