Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend

I guess our weekend started on Thursday - Curt actually had the day off, so he left first thing in the morning, with his dad, to go to his brothers house to work on the renovations.

I had to work, so I didn't leave until later - on the way to Acton, I picked Curt up in Toronto, so I had a chance to see my brother and sister-in-laws new house. It's nice, and I'm happy for them, but, I wouldn't last three weeks in their location! Just not a city girl, I guess.

We didn't get to Acton until after 9pm, but when we arrived, Nolan was still, I obviously had to go up to room to say hi :) And, having him jump out of bed and run into my arms to give me a big hug was the best start to a weekend!


Curt was off to Toronto bright and early, and my brother had to work, so it was just Krystle and I with the kids. I don't think we did much in the morning, just visited and played. Nolan and Abby went down for their naps after lunch, and then Krystle had to go out for awhile, so it was me and the kids. I knew I was going to look after the kids on my own for a bit, and have to admit, I was a little nervous about it! But, the timing worked out perfectly considering they were asleep the whole time I was alone with them...and, once they woke up, I took them straight to my mom and dad's, and Krystle was there waiting for us. We had our first of many good meals - chicken parmesan - courtesy of my mom. Once we were back at Tom and Krystle's, the three of us had a game of 'Ticket to Ride', which I'm mentioning because I won :)


There was no sleeping in for us on Saturday - we were up and out the door by 7:30am!?! Not my first choice, but worth it on this day because we were going to watch Nolan play lacrosse!!! He started a few weeks ago, and Saturday was supposed to be his first game, so I was pretty excited to have the chance to watch. Once we got there, we discovered that it wasn't going to be a game, just another practice, but it was still SO FUN to see. As soon as Nolan stepped into the rink, he took off running - most of the other kids were slow getting on, and just gathered around the coach, but not Nolan, he was pumped! He did really well - and was really proud of himself because he stayed on for the whole time (one hour, which is impressive). The kids were allowed to shoot on the net throughout the practice, and every time he 'scored' he had this great celebration routine - there was some jumping up and down, and arms were thrown in the air - it was sooo cute! Curt was still in Toronto, so he didn't get to see the practice; when he heard that Nolan was starting lacrosse, he had a hard time picturing Nolan with a lacrosse stick in his hand, and not using it as a weapon - I was able to reassure him that Nolan kept things under control.

After lacrosse, I tagged along while Tom and Krystle ran some errands. One of which was getting Abby's ears pierced! She did so well - not a single tear! Krystle had put some numbing cream on her ears about half an hour before they got them done, apparently that stuff works.

After afternoon naps, which I participated in, it was back to my parents for another good meal - this time it was ribs, Curt's favourite, so he enjoyed those when he got back from Toronto.

Once we were back at Tom and Krystle's, Curt and I had a soak in the hot tub, and then we helped Tom hide eggs for the morning.


We had another early morning...usually, Curt and I don't get up when everyone else in the house does, we stay in bed until after 8am, even though the kids get Tom and Krystle up a lot earlier then that...but, on Sunday morning, we wanted to watch Nolan hunt for his Easter eggs. He had a great time this year, he's at the perfect age. He found most of the eggs on his own, and only needed little clues for some of the tricky ones. Curt put a few eggs up high (on the edge of picture frames, in a wall sconce, on a shelving unit), and when Nolan saw those ones, he commented that 'the Easter bunny jumps up high sometimes'. Ha! Abby got in on the hunt too, she picked up a few of the smaller eggs, but didn't want to put them in her basket, she wanted to hold on to them.

Once all that excitement was over, we got organized and went to church to celebrate the real reason for Easter weekend - Jesus - I am so thankful to worship a God who loved us so much that he sent His only Son to die for our sins, so that we could have abundant life eternally with Him. My parents church, the church I grew up attending, is currently seeking a new minister, so they have an interim moderator until the vacancy is filled; it was my first time hearing him preach, and I really enjoyed his sermon - it was a great Easter message.

The Robertson's, all dressed up for the Easter Sunday church service.

Abby and I, ready for church.

After church, Tom and Krystle fed us a nice big brunch! We eat so well when we're in Acton, we probably put on a few pounds each time we're there!

Sunday evening, my mom hosted our family dinner - there were ten of us for dinner, and this year, my Uncle Doug and Aunt Helen joined us (my dads brother and his wife, an aunt and uncle we don't see too often). My mom out did herself again, and I think we all enjoyed the great meal and having the chance to visit and catch up.


Monday was our last day in Acton, so we enjoyed our favourite things...visiting with the family, playing with the kids, and a quick soak in the hot tub :)

Curt had one more little job to do at his brothers place, so we left just after lunch so we would have time to go into Toronto so Curt could get that done.

The drive home wasn't great...the roads were busy, so it was slow, and the weather wasn't great, lots of rain. So, we were glad we had lots of time and didn't have to rush home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Recent and Upcoming Reads

Earlier this week, I finished reading the book 'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen.

I had been hearing/reading a lot about this book - and couldn't wait to read it! Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I loved the way this story was told - flashing between the main character, Jacob, as an old man in a nursing home and a young man who runs away and joins the circus. The historical aspect of the novel was also really enjoyable - it made me want to go to the circus, but I don't know that today's circus compares to the circus of the past. And, one of my favourite parts of the book - Rosie, the elephant!

There were definitely some parts of the book that were a little 'crude' or 'disturbing' - but, it's easier to read when it's there for a reason, and in this case it was. I know the author did her research, so if it's in the book, it's because that type of thing used to happen on these 'circus trains'.

So, I've been wanted to read this book for awhile, but I'm glad I read it when I did. The movie is being released on April 22nd, and I can't wait to see it- and, the book will still be fresh in my mind, which is perfect.

The next book on my list is 'Sing You Home' by Jodi Picoult. I've read a lot of Jodi Picoult's novels; I would probably say she is one of my favourite authors, so I'm sure I will enjoy this one.

I actually have to put 'Sing You Home' on hold while I read 'Good to a Fault' by Marina Endicott. This is the next selection for a book club I'm in with a bunch of friends. I don't know what to expect with this one - the friend that chose it said she really enjoyed it the first time she read it, another friend in the group said it was very melancholy. I'm hoping I agree more with the friend who thought it was good enough to read again! Especially considering that I haven't even started it yet, and our book group meets on Tuesday! I couldn't buy it for my Kobo, so I was going to order it from Amazon, then I forgot. So, tonight I had to make a trip to Chapters - and, I should probably be reading right now!

Once I'm done those two books, it's on to 'The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo' - it was on sale for Kobo a few weeks ago, so I bought it for later. Another one I've heard good things about - and it's the first in a trilogy, so I know I'll have to read the other two, as well.

These are mysteries, so we'll see how that goes?!?!

Anyway, there is a little peak at what's on my Kobo/bedside table! Random, I know :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Two Day Weekend

This past weekend was my first two day weekend in a looooong time...and wow, was it ever enjoyable.

Actually, I had two days off last weekend...but, I was in Acton, so that's a little different. I went home so that I could attend Nolan's skating carnival; while I was in Acton, Curt was in Toronto helping his brother renovate his new house. It was a great weekend, and I'm really glad I didn't have to skate myself, so I could see Nolan in his first carnival.

But, being at home this past weekend...with nothing that I HAD to do, was AWESOME!

Friday night, after work and skating, I did some groceries, just so I wouldn't have to do them on Saturday or Sunday. Curt was back in Toronto, helping his brother, for the day/night, so I had a quiet night in.

Saturday morning I really wanted to sleep in - and I mean SLEEP IN. But, I was awake and ready to get up and start the day at 9am. I know a lot of you will think that was sleeping in...but, I was hoping for 10am, or even 10:30am!

I had a few errands to run in the morning, and then I had planned on spending the afternoon in front of the TV, watching the Masters...but, when Maria called to see if I wanted to go to Kingston with her, I thought that sounded more fun.

Maria had an errand to run, and then we went to the mall. I found an awesome deal there, and wasn't even looking...isn't that always the way! I found a pair of shoes (black flats, a short boot style) for $14.99 - they were originally $44.99, but were on clearance at the end of the season - that's an American style deal, here in Canada! I was excited, to say the least!

After going out for dinner with Maria, I came home and met Curt, and then we were off to Ike and Jeanette's for a little Rummoli - we haven't played in a long time, so it was lots of fun. And, just for the record, Curt and I won a lot of the VanHuizen's nickels!

Sunday, it was my turn to help in the church nursery...there were only 12 two year old kids, so it was a quiet morning :)

And, Sunday afternoon was all about the Masters (and a little nap, too)! The Masters was great, and having so many guys in the run for a first place finish was pretty exciting. I was really hoping Adam Scott would win - I've liked him since I saw him play at the President's Cup in Montreal...he's struggled for a few years, so I thought it would be cool for him to have a big comeback at Augusta.

But, I didn't mind seeing Charl Schwartzel (who is from South Africa) win! I thought it was pretty neat that Gary Player won the Masters exactly 50 years earlier, to the day - he is also from South Africa, and that made him the first International player to win the Masters. Pretty special to mark that anniversary with another South African winning the green jacket!

And, after such a relaxing weekend, it was a lot easier to get up for work this morning!