Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Countdown is ON

Well, tonight is an exciting night for me! I always start a countdown weeks before we go away on vacation; but, my favourite part of the countdown is the week before, when I can start saying "this time next week....". And, as of 5pm I could say "this time next week WE'LL BE ON VACATION!"

After work next Wednesday, we're heading to Acton to spend the night. And, Thursday morning we're off to Florida!

We're staying here again...
And this year, we'll be there with my Mom & Dad, my Aunt Mary and the Mitchell's (close family friends).

To say I'm excited it an understatement. Although I don't think I'm as excited as my Aunt Mary ;)

I don't know what I'm most looking forward to...golfing, lounging by the pool, playing (and winning) endless games of Canasta, going to Busch Gardens (we hope), shopping, going to the flea market or just being with friends and family in the sunny south?!?

Ahhhh, all of that in only ONE WEEK.

That's five work days and a weekend.

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