Thursday, March 11, 2010

Signs of Spring

Here are some sites from our house this weekend....

Curt's hockey gear soaking in the tub, something that only happens once a year - at the end of the season.

Notice how much water is in the tub? Curt forgot that he was filling the tub, and left the water running for 45 minutes! Not a drop on the floor though - Curt confidently told me that 'that's why tubs have an overflow!' He is so lucky that it didn't cause a mess!

And, because Curt is the captain of his hockey team, he gets to store the team jerseys during the off-season. Here they are airing out after multiple wash cycles.

Despite all this effort, the stuff probably still stinks!


  1. Water on the floor would have made for a much better (funnier anyway) blog.

  2. Wow, that is a lot of jerseys to have to store!
