Thursday, July 12, 2012

2012 Camping - Part 2

In yesterday's post, I started to recap our weekend of camping...I got as far as Saturday afternoon and realized the post was getting really long, and it had a lot of pictures.  So, here is a second post recapping the rest of the weekend.

Saturday evening we always have a big communal meal - the organizers brought hamburgers and sausages, and everyone else brings a salad or dessert.  So, needless to say, we had a GREAT meal!

Once everyone was uncomfortably full from dinner, it was time to have our noodle car race!  Well, the cars didn't actually race, we put them down the ramp one at a time - it was more a test of durability, and some cars did better than others!

First, a group shot of all the noodle car creators.  Not a great picture, but still fun!
Isaac's car mid-motion.
And, after everyone had their chance on the ramp, these two were named the winners...Curt's 'car' (which looked more like a Ferris wheel) went the furthest...and his cousin Anthony's car (which looked like a pick-up truck) won for 'best looking'.

After the rain, and in between the noodle activity of the afternoon/evening, people spent lots of time at the water.  The water was pretty cold (it is Lake Ontario after all), so no one really stays in the water for a long time - it's more enjoyable to spend short amounts of time in the water getting refreshed.

Whenever we were near the water, Luke spent most of the time running in and out of the water, only ever getting up to his knees wet :)
Josh enjoyed swimming the most when the older boys were in the water too!  His favourite was when they went out to the sandbar to play Frisbee.

Saturday night was spent around the campfire, of course!  I have to admit, I don't really enjoy sitting around a campfire...I feel like I shouldn't admit that.  But really, it's BORING!  So, I usually don't last that long...Curt on the other hand, he'll sit by the fire for hours.

Sunday morning we had a simple little worship service - we sang some hymns, had a little children's story and then Curt's cousin James, shared about his recent missions trip to Mozambique.

Here are the littlest kids gathered around Aunt Laura, who talked to them about friendships :)

And, after church, as some people had lunch and packed up to head home, Curt's cousin Joel, pulled out his kayak.

Luke and Noah helped him take his supplies to the water.  I'm sure you'll notice how dirty Luke is in this picture...he was like that most of the weekend...most of the little guys were that dirty...true boys and hardcore campers!
And here, Joel is getting ready to head out into the water and demonstrate a roll-over in the kayak.  He had a lot of helpers! 
Of course most of those little helpers had to have their own turn in the kayak too!

Isaac is still a bit small for the kayak, and he had a hard time paddling...Joel had to make sure he didn't drift away :)

While I was down at the water with the boys, Curt was packing up the trailer, so we were on way home by mid-afternoon.

I know this got a little long, and I'm sorry if you were incredibly bored.  But, I know that next year when I go to post about Wielemaker camping, I will enjoy reading these posts and remembering this years activities.  That's exactly what I did before writing these posts, read the posts from the previous two years...and, I was reminded that two years ago, our challenge was frisbee golf!  I had already forgotten all about that :)

Thanks for sticking with me all the way to the end of the post!

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