Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Canadian Open - Sunday

Sunday - The Final Round!

I was a little annoyed coming into Sunday's round - the man that organized and scheduled the standard bearers for the week, told us that he was going to give us an early group (people low on the leader board) because he preferred to give the prime groups to the people that showed the most commitment...ummm, remember how we're from Belleville?!?!  So, we had to get up REALLY early on Sunday morning, and I was expecting to go out with a group I wasn't all that excited about.  But, we got to the course and found out that the tee times online didn't exactly match up with things at the course, so I would be going out with Trevor Immelman and Matt Hill!  I was pretty excited about the idea of spending the morning with Trevor :)

Here is the Facebook status I posted as we waited for our tee time in the volunteer tent...

As Curt and I sat waiting, the organizer came over to ask if we would mind switching groups - he knew I was excited about my group, so he was hesitant to ask, but the people that were supposed to go out ahead of us were held up on the shuttle bus.  I agreed to switch when I found out I would get to be with Hunter Mahan's group!  

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