Monday, July 30, 2012

The Canadian Open - Friday

Day Two at the Canadian Open was AMAZING!

I had a great group:

Tim Clark (a South African, although they introduced him as an American on the first tee?),

Bo Van Pelt (an American),

and Harrison Frazar (an American).
Note: all images found via Google Images; Tim and Bo's pictures are from their 
second round at the Canadian Open. 

And, I thought that I saw good golf on Thursday....but, what I got to see on Friday made Thursday look like nothing!

The group started on the 10th hole, so they played ten to eighteen, and then one to nine.  When we got to the second hole (so, the groups eleventh hole), Tim Clark eagled!  And, I went to the washroom and missed it :(  There were some port-a-potties conveniently located just off the fairway, so I set my sign down and ran I stepped out and went to the portable sinks to wash my hands, I heard a big cheer and looked over to see Tim do a huge fist pump in the fairway...I knew right away what I had missed.  After the eagle, Tim started getting a lot of extra attention...and, he birdied two more holes after that, so there were a lot of camera men and TV crews following the group.  He was looking at possibly breaking the course record too (had he birdied one more hole, he would have been -9)...but, parred the last three holes and ended up tying the record at -8.

Bo Van Pelt also had a great day and played really well!  And, he was kind enough to eagle the ninth/last hole, so I got to see an eagle!  It's obviously not as cool to see on camera as it was in person, but here it is...

I was literally just behind the camera guy that shot this footage :)

Unfortunately, Harrison didn't play as well as Tim and Bo...but, he still finished -2, so he made the cut and played the rest of the weekend!  I obviously still enjoyed watching him play, especially because he was in one of the groups I carried for back in 2008...I specifically remember him, it was the Wednesday of the Pro Am, and Harrison was really friendly and talkative during the round, which was great.  He wasn't as talkative this year, but it wasn't the Pro Am either, it was Round 2, the real deal!

A picture of Curt and I, with our signs, after the round...

So, all three of these players made the cut, and two of them were in the top ten...unfortunately only one of my players from Thursday made the cut, William McGirt, but he was in the top ten too! 

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