Friday, September 30, 2011


I haven't posted in awhile, but there really hasn't been much to write about. Things have been a little boring over the last few weeks, we've just been busy working and settling into our fall/winter schedule. Curt and I are both looking at busy schedules for the next few months!

Skating has started, so, I'm back on this ice! I was almost dreading getting back on the ice this year, but once I was out there with the kids, I remembered how much I love it, and I'm excited for the season. I posted a few weeks ago about resigning from Quinte Figure Skating Club - however, there were some changes in scheduling there and I was asked to come back to help with CanSkate. So, I will be coaching two hours of CanSkate on Monday nights! It's a perfect compromise really, and I'm glad that I will be able to continue working with Quinte.

We've had a few sessions in Tweed, but tomorrow is our first FULL session, so we'll get to meet our Learn to Skaters and CanSkaters. It's sure to be a very CHAOTIC morning!

We're all signed up for another year of curling - and there has been a change there too. Last year we curled in Stirling, and although we really enjoyed Stirling, we decided to curl in Quinte this year. Curt was asked to be in a Mens League with his cousin, Tim, and the team plays in Quinte, so he was going to join there for one league and then in Stirling for one league. But, it made more sense to just go to Quinte for their mixed league as well. The two people we played with in Stirling weren't going to be playing in the mixed league this year, so we have been trying to put together a new team. We are very excited that our good friend Maria will be joining us, and our fourth is a random guy from Quinte who happened to be looking for a team :) Let's hope that works out. We went to an Open House at the curling club this past week and had a chance to meet some members; everyone was really friendly, so hopefully things go as well this season as they did in Stirling!

The weather forecast isn't great for this weekend - cold and rainy - I don't think we'll be able to ignore the fact that fall is here! I'm ready for the change though, it's a lot easier to go into a rink for a few hours when it's cool and dreary outside! So, with all the curling and skating we have planned, Curt and I say bring on the cool weather.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Last Round

Curt and I played in a golf tournament yesterday, and it will probably be my last round of the season. So, I'm really glad it went well and that we had so much fun!

The tournament was a fundraiser for the Stirling Curling Club; it was pretty small, only 36 people played in it, and it was held at Oak Hills Golf Club. The original registration list had us paired up with another couple, an older couple that curled in our league last year, but we didn't really get to know them that well. It would have been fine, but the organizer ended up changing things up at the last minute, and I think it was to our benefit. We ended up playing with another couple, closer to our age, who also played in our league last year - Mike and Michelle. I've actually known Mike for a few years as he is a member at the golf course I worked at. Michelle also played in our ladies nights for a few years, so I've gotten to know her too. We all had a great time, and laughed A LOT!

Mike actually reminds me a lot of my brother - he is really sarcastic and always joking around.

We were making up team names, and giving each other nicknames, all day....for example, we all took a turn being called 'scully' as we all sculled a ball or two. Well, I was telling them how much Mike reminds me of Tom, so Michelle started calling him 'Tommy'...then I mentioned that I used 'Tom-ass' a lot (Tom's real name is Thomas)...Michelle liked that one, and it stuck for a good portion of the afternoon!

While we were driving to our starting hole, Curt jinxed us and said 'Well, I think we have this thing locked up!' ha! Our first hole was horrible, and we ended up with a bogey.

But, we pulled it together after that and ended up shooting five under - good enough to win the tournament! Well, we tied for the win. So, our team got to split $100!

There were various contests on the course too, included closest to the pin for men and women, closest to the rope (stretched down the middle of a fairway), and longest drive. They made longest drive competition had to hit your drive with hockey gloves on?!? Well, I step up and hit the longest straightest drive I'd hit all day. The group in front of us was still in the fairway (I figured I would duff it or it would go right or left, as that's what seemed to be happening with everyone else) and my ball landed a few yards behind them and then rolled past them....ooops. A little bragging here, I think my longest drive was even longer then the mens longest drive. It was almost annoying that I hit my best drive with hockey gloves on was another thing Mike could make fun of throughout the day!

Here are some pics of each of us hitting our drive with the hockey gloves on...




And me, getting all suited up...

Oh, and I also managed to win the putting contest! ha! That was pure luck, but, it won me $35!

So, we paid $120 to play in the tournament (that included golf, cart and dinner served back at the curling club)...and, we won $85 and a small, it was a great day and ended up only costing us $35!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Branson - A Few Extras

I have a few pictures from Branson that didn't fit into my other posts, so I'm going to throw them all together, this will be a little random.

If you read my post about our resort, Stormy Point Village, you know that we absolutely loved it and that the property was beautiful...

For example...
But, then there was this...
Each house had a window box full of flowers...FAKE flowers? They actually don't look as bad in this picture as they did in real life. And, these are the ones in front of our cottage, which was grey, so they're not as cheesy as the ones in front of the more colourful cottages - they were all colour coordinated. They made for great conversation though - every time we walked to or from the pool, we were constantly pointing out the different colours and trying to decide which ones looked the worst.

One morning, while at the pool, my dad and I decided to climb the lighthouse...the view was great...

Apparently, Curt and my dad have similar golf swings...or, a similar follow through anyway..

When playing Payne Stewart, Curt went off into the bush to look for a ball (one of mine, I think) and came out with 24 balls! I think my dad was jealous, he's usually the one finding golf balls in the woods - his eyes are trained for it!

I don't normally drink...except when I'm on vacation...with my parents?!? I drank more on this vacation then I have in my whole life - NO, I was not getting drunk everyday (I didn't get drunk at all), I was just enjoying a 'cottage orange juice' by the pool or a cooler when playing cards.

Here, my mom is getting a slushie version of cottage orange juice ready - perfect for a HOT, SUNNY morning sitting poolside.
When we were in Branson back in May, the area had seen a lot of rain and was experiencing some flooding. I don't think we realized how bad it was until we went back again and saw how things should have looked.

Branson Landing, May 2011
Branson Landing, August 2011

And finally, a shot of what our Jeep looked like once we were all packed up to leave. Luckily, we only had to drive like this to the Branson airport, once we dropped my parents off for their flight home, we could spread things out (and ensure that we could see in our rear view mirror!).

And there you have it, my final post about our trip to Branson! Hope it wasn't too boring.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Branson - Fore!

I played two rounds of golf on this trip, Curt and my dad played a third round, but I decided two was enough for me, and went shopping with my mom during their third round.

Our first round of golf was at Payne Stewart Golf Club, a course we had planned on playing during our first trip, but didn't get around to.

It was a beautiful course, wow! It's built as a tribute to PGA golfer Payne Stewart, obviously, who was born in Missouri. Each hole had a plaque with a story of Stewart's life and golfing experiences throughout his career. I know a little bit about him as a player, but, he died before I really took an interest in the sport, so it was really interesting to read about him on each hole.

One of the plaques on the course - I thought this was a cute story...
One of the things Payne was best known for was his sense of style, he always wore ivy caps and patterned pants, which were a cross between plus fours and knickerbockers.

All of the tee markers were little ivy caps, a nice tribute...
Dad, waiting for me to tee off.

One of the spectacular views.
Unfortunately when I see this picture, I remember the horrible tee shot I went way off to the right, gone! My whole game was horrible really, I was really disappointed.

The second course we played was called Ledgestone Golf Club, and it was another beautiful course. Out of the four courses I've played in Branson now, this would be my favourite.

Taking my tee shot on the third hole, a par three called 'The Wall'.

Dad and I checking out the view on the fifteenth hole, a beautiful par 3, appropriately called 'The Quarry'. I like this picture, I like that my dad and I happened to be doing the same thing when Curt took the picture from behind.

This is the fifteenth hole again - this is me after my dad's tee shot, I was kinda freaking out because I was sure that he got a hole in one! He didn't, which was too bad, but considering he had to take a second tee shot after losing his first ball, it wouldn't have been a 'real' hole in one, so I don't think he was too upset.

Thankfully, I played much better at Ledgestone, which makes the whole experience so much better!

Like I said, Curt and my dad played a third round - they played at Murder Rock, a course that Curt and I played on our first trip, so it was easy for me to opt out.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Branson - Endless Entertainment

The first time Curt and I were in Branson, we were shocked at the number of shows...this last time we were in Branson, we were shocked at the number of shows! We could have gone to see three shows a day, every day we were there, and still not even have seen a quarter of the shows happening. I don't know how people decide who to see?!?

Luckily, Stormy Point Village helped us make our decision. On Monday morning, the resort organizes a 'Breakfast with the Stars'...during a buffet breakfast at the clubhouse, various different groups or individuals came in and performed for a few minutes, giving us a little preview of their show...the whole thing was great!

The resort we stayed at in June did something similar, except it was a dinner; the Stormy Point version was a lot better because it was a smaller crowd, so the performers all interacted with everyone, which is always fun.

One performer in particular had a lot of fun teasing my dad (there was assigned seating, and we ended up with a table right at the front!)...we all laughed sooo much!

Here he is, Clay Cooper...
At one point during the breakfast, he was joking around with my dad and somehow ended up calling him a 'creeper'...when we went to his show on Monday night, we were upgraded to front row seats, and during the first half he came down to greet people in the audience, when he went to shake dad's hand, he recognized him and commented that 'the creeper from Canada' had come to the show!

Normally at the beginning of live shows, there is an announcement telling you that you're not allowed to take video or pictures...not in Branson! They tell you not to take video, but you're allowed to take pictures if you want. Perfect for the paparazzi in me!

Being in the front row, the performers noticed when I was taking pictures, and would actually pause to let me get a good shot.

Here is one of the other performers in Clay's show, Matt Gunn, pretending to be a ventriloquist, using Clay's son Colton as his 'dummy'.
One of the groups, a duet actually, that performed at both the dinner and the breakfast was 'Buckets and Boards'. Curt and I thought about going to see them on our first trip, and my dad laughed hysterically at them during the breakfast, so I think he would have gone to see them...but, we realized we could have the best of both worlds because they are a feature act in Clay Cooper's show!

Buckets and Boards during the breakfast, and yes, he is playing recorders with his nose!

One of the groups that performed at the preview dinner on our first trip was the Dutton Family...well, the three brothers that make up the Dutton Family. Although Curt and I both enjoyed their little preview, it wasn't one of the shows we chose for that trip. But, when we decided to go back with my parents, I KNEW my mom would LOVE them, and was strongly suggesting them.

Then, the Dutton brothers were the first act to perform at Stormy Points 'Breakfast with the Stars'. And, as soon as they played their first note, my mom leaned over to me and whispered "Oh yeah, we need to see them!"

Up close and personal during breakfast
The Dutton's put on a great show - they played a wide variety of great music and wowed the audience with their ability to play such a variety of instruments.

Not only could they play a variety of instruments, they could also play them in a variety of positions....

Behind their backs...

With the person beside them (they are each fingering their own instrument, but they are using their bow on the fiddle beside them)...

We also decided to see a third show after my mom heard a lot of great reviews from other resort guests. We went to see 'Noah: The Musical'! Curt and I saw this show on our first trip, but we both loved it...and, we were happy to see it again so that my parents could experience it. I say 'experience it' because it's more than just a play, really, the set is AMAZING - it makes you feel like you are actually in the Ark.

A family shot going into the theatre...

I was sitting beside my dad for the second half, and as soon as the curtains are drawn around the sides of the theatre, revealing the animals on the Ark, I heard my dad say 'unbelievable!'. Then, my mom started pointing out all the animals that were moving...eventually realizing that almost all of the animals moved (some of the animals are real and others are animatronic). I could tell that they were as impressed as Curt and I had been.

Stormy Point also had other little forms of entertainment throughout the week - it started with the breakfast, later in the week they had a poolside BBQ, complete with a band, and then twice during the week they had movie night at the pool (I'll let a picture help explain this).

Enjoying the poolside BBQ
Movie night at the pool
Not a great picture because it's at night and the lighting if weird...but, a movie was projected onto that large screen on the right. Notice how there is no one there?!?! They were playing 'Alice in Wonderland' so we didn't stay for the whole movie.

Wow, this post is REALLY, REALLY LONG! Just goes to show that when talking about entertainment in Branson, there is a lot to cover! I hope the pictures helped break it up and get you the end of all the type. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Branson - Stormy Point Village

I can't believe it, but our trip to Branson has already come and gone. It was an awesome only complaint is that it went too fast.

Some of you may have read my previous posts about Branson - Curt and I spent a week there back in May, and I posted about it in June. It was probably pretty obvious in those posts that we both really enjoyed our time in Missouri, so, when we went to finalize plans for a trip with my parents, we changed our original plans to go to Myrtle Beach, and decided to return to Branson so my parents could experience it too. And, this turned out to be a great decision, not only because we all really enjoyed the trip, but also because Hurricane Irene would have put a serious damper on our trip had we gone to South Carolina.

Curt and I drove down again, but my parents didn't want to make such a long drive, so they flew. The drive went really well again - probably even better this time actually because we broke it up a little. We left home on Thursday evening, stayed in Acton overnight, drove all day Friday but then stopped and spent the night just south of St. Louis, Missouri. This meant that we could get up early Saturday morning, drive the three and half hours to the Branson airport and semi-surprise my parents by picking them up when their flight arrived. I say semi-surprise because Curt had mentioned that we were going to try to meet them at the airport, but they didn't really think it would be possible to time our arrival that early, so they really weren't expecting us.

Adding two more adults to the Jeep meant we had to rearrange the luggage...this is where the two biggest pieces ended up...
By the time we were all loaded and ready to leave the airport, it was only 11am and check-in at our resort wasn't until 4pm, but we decided to go there first to see if we could check in early.

Curt and I knew what awaited us at Stormy Point Village, and we couldn't wait for my parents to see it too. On our previous trip, Curt and I did a Time Share Tour of this resort in order to get free golf...we loved the property so we were really excited when it was available the week we wanted to return!

The Clubhouse and Lighthouse - the whole resort is built to make you feel like you're in Cape Cod, hence the lighthouse.
74 Dover Circle, Stormy Point Village - 0ur home away from home for the week!
Looking down Dover Circle at some of our neighbours...
We had great weather all week, and enjoyed a lot of time around the pool.

Mom and Dad, cooling off...
Dad couldn't resist the kiddie pool and the mushroom fountain, ha!
The pool area was actually kinda small, but, it was NEVER busy?!?! It was great for us, but we couldn't really understand where everyone was sooo hot (100+ on some days), the pool was the only spot we wanted to be at some points.

So, as you can see, Stormy Point was absolutely beautiful...and, we all really enjoyed our stay there. My mom and dad had a few complaints throughout the week, for example, they thought there should be more hooks to hang towels on in their bathroom...nothing serious. My only complaint was that we ended up with a grey cottage, I had really been hoping for a green one! :)