Thursday, May 27, 2010


I wasn't able to blog about it at the time, but I'm going to rewind to last weekend because we had a lot of fun. It was Victoria Day weekend, better known as May 2-4...the first long weekend, and unofficial start to, summer. Generally speaking, the weather on May 2-4 weekend is usually cold and rainy...but, this year it was perfect...warm and sunny from Saturday to Monday.

I had to work on Saturday, so once I finished there, I caught up with Curt, who was helping his brother build a tree house for his nephews. I didn't get any pictures, and words really can not describe this thing...all I can say is that it's huge!

Sunday, after church, we ran a whole bunch of errands in town...including, shopping for flowers for our front garden. We picked those up, and as soon as we got home, we got to work getting those planted. We also picked up some tomato plants and planned on putting those in our back garden, but, it looked like this...

So, we had to do A LOT of weeding before we could plant. We got about half of the garden done on Sunday, and had to finish on Monday morning.

Sunday evening we had a neighbourhood get-together at one of our neighbours - a yearly tradition on May 2-4 weekend. Dinner was great, and it was nice to meet some new neighbours, and to visit with others that we usually only see in passing.

Part of the tradition is to have fireworks at dusk, and it's always a great show. This year, the fireworks lasted close to half an hour! We had a lot of friends come over to watch the fireworks with us, nine adults and six kids, and it was fun to watch with kids around.

Monday, after finishing up some weeding and planting in the morning, it was off to work for me for the afternoon. And, I'm not going to lie, after such an enjoyable weekend, and with Curt being off all day Monday, I was very tempted to call in sick!

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